Author Topic: Women to fight in America's elite military units  (Read 11520 times)

my brother has a friend the north dakota national guard, i have no clue what he in the military, but anyways, when he was deployed overseas, his CO was this butch loving woman. anyways they got into a firefight, one of his buddies got hit in the chest, however the kevlar deflected it. he crying and moaning "AM I DYING? OH GOD I DON'T WANT TO DIE" etc.
She bent down and picked this guy up with one hand and roared at him "YOU'RE loving OKAY, SHOOT AT THE ENEMY DUMBASS" or something along those lines.
A minute later, she was hit, but the kevlar also deflected it, she was on the ground balling her eyes out thinking she was going to die as well. now my brothers friend picked her up and told her the same thing she told the other man who was hit. she shut the forget up and started to pick up the pace again.

vladimir putin is scary but cool. he flies a PAK FA to work.

Um, average people aren't in elite military units lol. There will be specifications and requirements for these women to make sure that none of this happens, and trust me on this.

Did you hear this rhetoric you're saying on Faux News?
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 09:34:15 PM by Funkadelic »

my brother has a friend the north dakota national guard, i have no clue what he in the military, but anyways, when he was deployed overseas, his CO was this butch loving woman. anyways they got into a firefight, one of his buddies got hit in the chest, however the kevlar deflected it. he crying and moaning "AM I DYING? OH GOD I DON'T WANT TO DIE" etc.
She bent down and picked this guy up with one hand and roared at him "YOU'RE loving OKAY, SHOOT AT THE ENEMY DUMBASS" or something along those lines.
A minute later, she was hit, but the kevlar also deflected it, she was on the ground balling her eyes out thinking she was going to die as well. now my brothers friend picked her up and told her the same thing she told the other man who was hit. she shut the forget up and started to pick up the pace again.

The kevlar stops the bullet from entry, but you still feel the shock force. It would feel like a really strong hit, so there would be understandable shock from the impact.

someone get jacksaunt's avatar to describe this thread

man it really makes me feel good to know you stupid motherforgeters arent making any important decisions lol

man it really makes me feel good to know you stupid motherforgeters arent making any important decisions lol
I can only hope none of us become politicians

The kevlar stops the bullet from entry, but you still feel the shock force. It would feel like a really strong hit, so there would be understandable shock from the impact.
that wasn't even the point but okay.

I can only hope none of us become politicians
Ceist for presidency.

I can only hope none of us become politicians

lol no one here will ever get a high level government job if they link us to these forum accounts

that wasn't even the point but okay.

I think the same could easily happen for a male CO too. I don't think they know what bullet deflection off kevlar feels like. It's an interesting story, but it doesn't really truly pertain to the discussion either since that was probably a regular unit.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 11:05:29 PM by Dodger »

Kevlar doesn't really deflect it's more of a cushion. It can stop shrapnel, shotgun pellets, and  small pistol bullets(9mm and 45.), but other that it is useless. For protection against rifle bullets(such as 5.56, 7.62x39), iron or ceramic plates are installed in the front and back. Even if the bullet doesn't go through, the kinetic force from the bullet will bruise you and it will hurt.

Now on the subject of combat helmets before people think newer=better, they were designed protect from shrapnel(think of artillery exploding next to you). As for today's modern helmet, well they are no different from the ones used in WW2 or WW1. Most are only good at stoping shrapnel, but some modern ones like the PASGT helmet(as shown below) can stop pistol rounds and in very few cases a rifle round(depending on where it's hit.

Despite advances in technology an old rifle like the mosin nagant can pierce a PAGST helmet.

Even the Army's newest helmet can be pierced by a rifle, also notice how the ACH helmet offers less coverage than the PAGST. The US marines are the only branch in the US Military to use a helmet similar to the PAGST.


The more you know.

Eh, I knew the kinetic force would hurt regardless, though I don't know how truly effective Kevlar is. I know it isn't some magical bullet proof armor though.

good job except for

Despite advances in technology an old rifle like the mosin nagant can pierce a PAGST helmet.


Joke's on you pal
I know that is a mauser, but a mosin nagant was used earlier in that documentary
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 07:03:15 PM by Harm94 »