Well, it would appear that I was not meant to get my license today. ;)Wasn't quite as lucky. My proctor was 40+, moderately obese, and only spoke with me when I did something wrong. He didn't seem like a bad guy but it was a pretty awkward ride. He hummed once though.My "fatal error" was at a 4-way intersection where the vehicles on the two adjacent roads were stopped by stop signs while I was not. I didn't notice and assumed that the vehicle to the right of me had the right of way, so I let him go. My bad.In addition, I made several smaller mistakes. Though I looked back for the majority of the time while I was parallel parking, I glanced forward once to see how close my car was to the one in front of us. That was a mistake. I also didn't switch lanes quick enough (a lane was ending; there were no cars but I didn't switch into the travel lane immediately).Right at the end he did tell me that I was pretty much guaranteed to pass when I take the exam again, so that's reassuring.Oh well. Back to public transportation for now.And for the record, we did go through the school zone, and there were kids present. Didn't make any mistakes there thanks to Marcem and trinick. <3
good plan: Not Dying
I've never heard it called anything other than driving exam.
remember, green means stop, yellow means revv it, and when that sucker hits red FLOOR IT!
Don't forget if someone cuts off in front of you and slows down, stick your finger out of the window and flip them off. Do it or else you will get a demerit ;)
Remember, keep your hands on the 10 and 4 wheel positions.
Don't go 5 MPH over the speed limit. I got points reduced for that. Don't go over a curb. Stay within the lines even if you're taking a right turn. Check your windows often. Always keep two hands on the wheel at all times. Don't hesitate at any point during the test. They watch for every small detail so stay alert and aware.
Isn't it 10 and 2?