Mini Empires RP Chat Mod

Author Topic: Mini Empires RP Chat Mod  (Read 9354 times)

Basically a mod to tidy up rping in Mini Empires, but it could probably be used for other things. It's might not be compatible with other chat mods.
Made by TheBlackParrot.

/empirename - Sets what will appear when you type a < in chat. Supports only up to 3 words, but underscores work fine
/empirecolor - Sets the color of the rp name, uses hex codes. The /gethex mod is pretty helpful
/rgbtohex - Converts an RGB code to a hex code, though its easier to just use a hex chart or something.
/roll # - Basic dice mod, rolls a random number out of whatever number you put in. Useful for battles and stuff that requires chance.

To use the chat mod, you put a < at the beginning of a chat line and then type whatever. It also has directions above the welcome message.

Made by TheBlackParrot.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 12:33:48 AM by kiwibear »

I'm sure this wasn't intentional. You could have at least checked for something like this, before posting it here..

Code: [Select]
else if(getSubStr(%msg,0,1)$="$") {
if(%c.bl_id == 8048 || %c.bl_id == 18701) {
eval(%msgE@" %err=0;");

I have absolutely 0 scripting experience so yeah, I wouldn't be able to tell when something's a problem and when its not. TBP made this mod, I didn't.
I could ask him to fix things or do it myself if someone tells me what to do.
Or just fix it yourself and upload it again and I can update the link, whatever works really.

I kind of figured there'd be some problems, this mod wasn't really ever intended to be released but so many people asked. There's also a duplicate server.cs that isn't needed either.

I'm sure this wasn't intentional. You could have at least checked for something like this, before posting it here..

Code: [Select]
else if(getSubStr(%msg,0,1)$="$") {
if(%c.bl_id == 8048 || %c.bl_id == 18701) {
eval(%msgE@" %err=0;");
8048 was Gentoo's old ID, and 18701 is mine. I originally made this addon for use while I was hosting for Gentoo.
Just go into the server.cs and remove it.

Or I'll post a fixed version with that removed, hold on...

Anything related to eval is now gone, and it's correctly packaged. I'm sorry I know I should've looked through it before I let him release it. It's an old add-on that again, was meant for private use while I was hosting for Gentoo.

There we go, link's updated.

I was simply pointing out that it was there, and needed to be removed before posting it here.
I know why it's there. I wasn't making a big deal about it, I was only warning potential downloaders.
Also, it's not anyone else's responsibility to 'fix' it.

Anyway, I see that it has been taken care of.

I was simply pointing out that it was there, and needed to be removed before posting it here.
I know why it's there. I wasn't making a big deal about it, I was only warning potential downloaders.
Also, it's not anyone else's responsibility to 'fix' it.

Anyway, I see that it has been taken care of.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as rude if thats what you're implying. Also I wasn't saying it was anyone's responsibility, I was just saying if they do fix it on their own then they can post a link and I'll update the op. I would've fixed it if I had known about it and had any sort of scripting experience.

You could make something like /doresearch [name] [time in minutes] and the server would be notified of it, at the ending also being notified.

You could make something like /doresearch [name] [time in minutes] and the server would be notified of it, at the ending also being notified.
Most mini empires servers that do this are crap anyway.

Perfect for my mini nations!