Author Topic: I think my PC has a RAT in it, please help!  (Read 4547 times)

I noticed that my camera was on (I have a light on the camera) And I had installed a few programs recently. I panicked and plugged out my computer before whoever was RATing me remotely opened a shock site on my computer.

I am typing this on my iPad, please help me. I have no anti-virus program.

A. Are you sure it's not just your camera turning on for some reason?
B. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Also, just get Microsoft Security Essentials if you don't feel like playing for an antivirus.

A. Are you sure it's not just your camera turning on for some reason?
B. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Also, just get Microsoft Security Essentials if you don't feel like playing for an antivirus.
A. I'm sure it didn't randomly turn on
B. What if the ratter attacks me when I'm downloading it?

A. I'm sure it didn't randomly turn on
B. What if the ratter attacks me when I'm downloading it?

A. Ok then.
B. Install from a USB?

A. Ok then.
B. Install from a USB?
How can I get it into a USB?

Put it on a USB then disconnect from the internet and install it.

My webcams light comes on randomly sometimes, but there are no alien processes running, my antivirus software doesn't find anything and nothing happens other than the light being turned on.
I think you may have overreacted just a smidge

A. I'm sure it didn't randomly turn on
B. What if the ratter attacks me when I'm downloading it?

boot in safe mode

call the exterminator

I noticed that my camera was on (I have a light on the camera) And I had installed a few programs recently. I panicked and plugged out my computer before whoever was RATing me remotely opened a shock site on my computer.

I am typing this on my iPad, please help me. I have no anti-virus program.

1. Let's assume it is a rat that's not FUD. Download a good antivirus and run a scan.

2. Let's assume it's not a rat. Some programs may be accessing your webcam, such as Manycam, Skype, Facebook, etc...

3. Disable or remove any applications that may access the webcam. If it still happens then it may be a rat.

If you scan for a rat, and find nothing there may or may not be a rat. Some newer rats are FUD, which means they are not detectable yet. You can look in your firewall or router to see if there is anything going on in your connection. If you still believe you have a rat you can either wait for it to not be fud, or find a way to remove it yourself. Rats tend to hide themselves as a windows process, explorer.exe, svchost.exe, etc...

Look to see if anything was changed, windows firewall, random ports opened in upnp, etc...
If the rat has opened ports via upnp you can disable it to try to stop access. I also suggest disabling all connections to the Internet while trying to discover what's causing it.

If all else fails, reformat. Completely. And check for LAN spread, assuming the rats supports it. Some do.

I knew a few hackers that ratted, they had servers and everything for it. So disconnecting your computer from the internet externally is your best bet if dealing with a rat. Also, check your host file, the virus might of added records to it to stop any antivirus updates/downloads.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 07:36:27 AM by YayFun »

Mine did this once before. They tend to do that.
Why would someone want to freaken look at you masturbate? No one; stop being paranoid.

Why would someone want to freaken look at you masturbate? No one; stop being paranoid.

Don't assume that...

Don't assume that...

But no really, unless you hold your creditcard number in front of your webcam every night, there is nothing to worry about.

Get an anti virus, but get a good one. Norton, mcafee, and kaspery or whatever it's called are all terrible and barley detect anything.

is it albino, and does it respond to "jimbles"?
if so, PM me. he got outta his cage again.