Author Topic: Zulious  (Read 5807 times)

Hello, Feline here.
A (former) friend of mine named Zulious is a jerk. Why do I say this? Because he has no considerations for others. For his servers, I made all but one of the maps. Europe, Western Europe, the Middle East, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, the list goes on and on. I try to put up with him, but I've have enough. Some friends of mine and other regulars who I will not name agree with me.
Upon asking him to stop using the maps that I made, the maps that I put work into, Zulious saidHis clan tags sum it up. He is insane.

he can use any map in the game, it's open to save, it's a richard move not to give credit, but as long as he gives credit and it's your map, he can use it.

I agree with you Wound, in theory, but
1. He doesn't give me credit
2. I do not want him to use it
3. I have asked him for some sort of Welcome Message recognition, but it all went over his head.

1. He doesn't give me credit
then he's a richard, but he can still use it.

2. I do not want him to use it
that's just to bad, i would be pretty mad too, but he can.

3. I have asked him for some sort of Welcome Message recognition, but it all went over his head.
then he's a richard, just ask him to give you credit if you haven't.

The save button is there and always enabled for a reason, he's not stealing anything because it's public domain. You should feel flattered that he likes your build enough to save it.

It's not only that; it's that Zulious is a stuffty host in general. I do not have any screenshots for you, unfortunately.

there's so much of this drama i don't understand

My admins are in this topic. :^)

but zulious isn't a bad host???


so what is Zulious actually doing?