Author Topic: why i hate pickpocketing in city rpgs  (Read 5007 times)

Blockland needs less simulation and more fun stuff.

Blockland needs less simulation and more fun stuff.
city RP is as much of a simulation of a city as mario kart is a simulation of competitive racing

Clever, but they're being starfishs.


Clever, but they're being starfishs.

this, they act like
and stuff like that

If you cant beat em, join em.

CRPs are pretty stuff in general, but I /support
Bebots sounds like a massive roostersucker.

If you cant beat em, join em.
That would make everyone a dipstuffted server ruining troll/cigaretteola.

the thing about city RPs is that the very basis of the economy is based around being as huge a richard to your fellow man as possible

if you're a policeman, you have to go around and basically mute, contain, demean, and then taunt (or at least, allow to be taunted) people who are literally just doing their job
if you're a robber, you have to go around and steal money from people who are just doing their agonizing, boring job of waiting for money to appear
if you're not either of the above, you have to wait for money so you can join either of the above jobs

if you've managed to amass enough money to become an official/godfather/whatever, good job: now you have the means to be an even starfish to everyone because you are the best at being an starfish

and the worst part is, as an official, you will have people asking for pardons n stuff and you can basically just jerk them around and send them on ridiculous-ass ego quests (or just demean themselves) so people have to tolerate your assholism if they want to get what they want (which may or may not have been brought around by other people being an starfish to them)

there is nothing that doesn't boil back to someone being an starfish to someone else


crp really lacks the rules that make darkRP (what it was based on in the first place) less painful.

such as no RDM.

I used to love playing on City RP as a cop, but now that I've been to the RP servers on Gmod (NOT counting Dark RP because it's terrible) this isn't even RP. If it's based off Dark RP you're not getting any RP, just idiots who aim for nothing but bragging rights by being rich entrepreneurs with guns and stuff like that.

city RP is as much of a simulation of a city as mario kart is a simulation of competitive racing
And building is a simulation of I don't know what

One thing I really hate about those servers is that anyone can kill you out of sudden and steal your hard earned money from mining stuff, well I never upgraded after this because I always get killed, even from cops