Author Topic: Cobra R18, the tribal one.  (Read 1601 times)

Wow, loving monday.

Quote from: Badspot
Things you can post here:

How tribal/offensive/noobish certain users are

Though since it's coming from the hellish pit of General Discussion it's most likely a troll.

Your messages are far more offending than his.

i'll make sure to ban "mondays" from my server, thanks Revoltech

Yeah! Stop being a Sub-Saharan country!

damn straight wigger!

I am in the chat too, which he is the most tribal child I have seen last week. I promise that people are getting more tribal every day.

Either this thread of that G&D post on RTB is a joke.
"monday" can also mean white people too, therefore making it not tribal. It's only tribal if they say something that directly offends a race, like:
"black people are harder to see at night than white people. thats why I hate when they jump out of the palm tree leaves and attack me.
only black people. they're idiots" -No offense, it was an example