
Pick one

I'm a Californian!
I'm stupid and have no life

Author Topic: Block people meet (v2???)  (Read 12640 times)

aware14 lives close to me. i think atkitton and bisjac do to.
I think I live kind of close to atkitton and rughugger. My sister had an MRI at the same hospital that rug's baby was born, I think.

I'm a fan of the drive-by method. I drive past your house and you wave and ill know if you want to kill me or not. Any Burbank people here

oh stuff i thought you were 15 damn have fun
I'll be 18 when i move out and head over. And thanks.

I'm a fan of the drive-by method. I drive past your house and you wave and ill know if you want to kill me or not. Any Burbank people here
Driving right past it tomorrow :P

pennywise was my most feared enemy as a child
i wanted to watch IT with my babysitter and i told her not to skip the scary parts
worst decision of my childhood
don't you want a balloon?

we need a chicago meetup one day

i'd be totally down to do it but i need transportation urg.
i'd do it. There's tons of blocklanders in the city and NE illinois

You hooligans stay offa my lawn.

only blocklanders that live anywhere close to me are night fox, onee-whatever his name is, and like Skyfox or some stuff

don't you want a balloon?
oh god lol
what made it worse is that my first name is george, so my brother and babysitter started calling me georgie :(

only blocklanders that live anywhere close to me are night fox, onee-whatever his name is, and like Skyfox or some stuff
where do you live?

i've met jackblueback and rocknrollwill

they go to the same high school as me

Fracture lives a couple minutes away from me lol. I've actually been in his neighborhood before. Oh and my mortal enemy Steve lives in Arizona too, he wants to beat me up :(

I'm pretty sure I met a banned user once....Some kid of a guy my dad works with.

Fracture lives a couple minutes away from me lol. I've actually been in his neighborhood before. Oh and my mortal enemy Steve lives in Arizona too, he wants to beat me up :(
i'll protect you via the Internet :^)

Why did I first read this as "Black people meet"