
Pick one

I'm a Californian!
I'm stupid and have no life

Author Topic: Block people meet (v2???)  (Read 12637 times)

Why did I first read this as "Black people meet"
Because that's the loving joke.

I dislike coffee, and I don't skate, but I can talk
maybe after I can drive on my own. I live in Alabama but I'm like a five minute drive from West Point, if you know where that is
so maybe we could find something to do in Columbus one day

first of all i need to know somebody's age before I hang out with ANYBODY.

I live in Detroit, I have yet to meet any Blocklanders but I plan to.

aware14 lives close to me. i think atkitton and bisjac do to.

i live in north dakota/minnesota
Do you live in Fargo?

first of all i need to know somebody's age before I hang out with ANYBODY.
I had intended to imply that I was going to be sixteen soon
so I'm fifteen
but I'll be sixteen before we get the chance

Burbank/Los Angeles

If you don't mind doing something with a 13 year old male.

first of all i need to know somebody's age before I hang out with ANYBODY.
Im 10 please hang out with me :(

doubt there's any blocklanders in Thunder Bay :c

this is how block people meet

im in nevada come over here

if i make a facebook event for a chicago met up would anyone be interested
i'm down to hang out with strangers since i'm sure it'd be hilarious

The only blockland that i know that plays blockland is my brother. Other than that i have no clue who plays blockland and lives in Pennsylvania.

Seriously, nobody lives near South Miami?

Added poll as requested