Author Topic: A better portal gun.  (Read 7679 times)

I will do anything to acquire that.. I beg of you..,..


Hurray for my portal textures of fail!

I think it should be like the one that Djy1991 made in that video. It's a gun, and you hit it on an object, and hit it on another, and you can see through the portal.
that was done in as an effect, that isnt really like that

I made a regular weighted cube as well

Is there anything you can't do? I mean, seriously. You can do some awesome stuff.

Those are really impressive :D

B-b-b-baby you just ain't seen nothin' yet.

(stacking, rotating, moving, etc.)
Sounds a little like... building?

No no no.  We're picturing a weapon that a emits some sort of proton pack beam that allows you to move / stack / rotate the crates within a certain distance.

Still, stacking crates sounds pretty pointless unless you can use it to do things like in the game - open doors, smash people with the crates, etc.

Idea: Hitting people with the heart cube means they restore health? :cookieMonster:

You could use them to overcome obstacles, or as a more realistic barricade for fortresses.  I dunno, it's all preliminary really.

No no no.  We're picturing a weapon that a emits some sort of proton pack beam that allows you to move / stack / rotate the crates within a certain distance.

Hmm that reminds me of something...

What was it called....

Oh i renember, Gmod.

would this use tge's built in rigid body physics?

Just because something exists in another game, it doesn't make it necessarily bad to include it in another.  I mean, think of what GMod is.  It's a sandbox where you manipulate items already existing in Half-Life games.

i think it would eb neat if they were kinda vehicly or something in that they can be knocked over or stuff