Author Topic: HDD Running out of Space  (Read 690 times)

I have a 139GB HDD that has been filling up for about seven years.
25 GB left and kind of need a suggestion.
Should I get one of those 500GB USB HDD?
Or just get off of my ass and clean up some junk files and programs (Cleans up about 5gb)
I'm worried because I want to redownload Blockland, and after downloading some Add-ons, it takes up quite a bit.

Blockland and Add-Ons take up gigs? Whaaa

Blockland and Add-Ons take up gigs? Whaaa
Not implying Blockland takes up the whole 25GB, just don't want it to eat away at the rest.
I usually end up getting a bunch of client sided addons that usually end up taking 15Gb total.
I want a bit of space leftover, and 10GB makes me feel clustered.

If you've had it for seven years you should get a new one before it breaks.

Like that extra space is really nice to have.

well if you worried about space just get another 1TB hdd or something

Get WinDirStat. It'll show you what files are taking up the most space.

you should get a new hdd JUST because you have been trusting that one for 7 years

Save up a 100 and buy a 2TB one.
Never worry about space anymore.