My First Build (Demo)

Author Topic: My First Build (Demo)  (Read 2217 times)

This is my first ever build on Retail. I couldn't make it any better because of the 150 brick limit.  :cookieMonster:

The house, yard, and me:

The bed:

The TV was originally showing 300:

Just for the lulz:

Please rate out of 10 (and think about the fact that it was on the demo).

you look to tall for door lol

6/10 for demo, and for first retail build


I'm not too tall, the backwall just made it look like that.  :cookieMonster:

everyone has to start somewhere i didnt know you could mod the demo


You can download anything, but can't go online. :(


Hey! You downloaded my face decal!


Yes, it's full of joy and win.

Argh, every contact at MSN has this smiley as D=/D:
I can't stand it anymore >.<

Anyways,great use of the 150 bricks limit. :D

good job even if is on the demo so you get a  :cookie:

funny how house looks to small 4 u, lol.


i didn't think the last pic was lolz.

cool 10/10 can you give me the save plz i have demo to :)

4/10 for demo build, 5/10 for use of scooter, and not jeep.

this build is good given the limits placed on it

Its ok for a first build but I would not give away my cookies for it!  my cookies -> :cookie: :cookie:  :cookie:  :cookie:  :cookie: