Author Topic: Chatchat - That game where you play as a cat and chat.  (Read 2826 times)

Chatchat is a game where you play as a cat and explore several different areas. You can also chat to fellow cats in the same area as you. Another thing you can do is grab a mouse and leave it in front of the house that you appear near when you join a room.

Here's a link to the game. The room I'm hosting is BlocklandForums.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 10:26:21 PM by ShadowYoshi294 »

I remember this game, fun times.

I just lead an entire adventure against the human (an actual player, by the way, though rather idiotic) and his pack of war dogs (usually him and whoever he infected at that point) with my army; StephKitten, my commander after I had fallen to the teeth of the dogs, Yaliet, a vicious warrior who betrayed us later, and some other people as well as Speed_Skillz77, a loving starfish.

spoilers; I died due to a grevious wound inflicted by a war dog, whilst Steph looked on, put a mouse in front of the house, shed a tear, and walked away.

All in all, good times were had, it was fantastic.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 05:55:18 AM by kanew2000 »

I am hosting room BlocklandForums now since its been like 7 hours

shouldn't it be called catchat or chatcat or some sort of really obvious pun

shouldn't it be called catchat or chatcat or some sort of really obvious pun
what's french for cat


tell me if this works

Im in chat_adventure I think.

so apparently the name only supports 10 characters
oh well
i'm gonna be playing as dargreldrn i guess.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 12:25:26 PM by dargereldren »

Hosting BlocklandForums

I took a nap by Doughboy and he was completely fine with it and suddenly he screamed at me and left ;-;

i want to make a video of one of the cats in a still position with running in the nineties playing