Author Topic: back from the hospital  (Read 4467 times)

Uh, what? As in, literally in the cross fire? Because most of America and Europe is pretty safe from that. Most of Asia is also pretty safe from Military Crossfire.
cross fire as in inflation, high tensions between nations, security restrictung rights in america. Try not to think so straight forward and take things litterally. And the people in iraq and afghan, were litterally inthe cross ffire.

cross fire as in inflation, high tensions between nations, security restrictung rights in america. Try not to think so straight forward and take things litterally. And the people in iraq and afghan, were litterally inthe cross ffire.
How does this effect you in any way?

How does this effect you in any way?
the fact that it happens and he thinks about it

again, a bad thing to do as a hobby

cross fire as in inflation, high tensions between nations, security restrictung rights in america. Try not to think so straight forward and take things litterally. And the people in iraq and afghan, were litterally inthe cross ffire.
Inflation always happens and always will. The inflation is only experienced in certain countries and financial systems. As for high tensions between nations? This is a time where all of Europe isn't trying to kill each other for land, a miracle by itself. And the middle east has had really high tensions ever since Israel put itself smack dab in the middle of a bunch of Muslim countries.

As for security restricting rights in America, do you ACTUALLY notice your rights being restricted? Or do you just hear about it on the news.

To respond to me "thinking literally", I want you to realize that there isn't really a definite metaphorical meaning for "crossfire", so what you were saying made no sense to me before you explained it.

So if you're complaining about life isn't worth living why are you stilling living it, it's because you don't have the balls to end your life, why? because you like living. I'm sure if you actually felt this way, the moment you got home you would have finished the job, don't lie; you're posting this for attention. And don't blame your kitchen set for your unsuccessful Self Delete, it all depends on how YOU cut. If you ever need some Self Delete tips since you obviously aren't doing it right, this here is a damn good read.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 02:52:18 AM by Kadon »

he's not depressed. i've been depressed, and it's caused by wanting to see good in life, and being physically incapable, not bitching out and stopping trying because happiness and satisfaction is handed to you on a silver platter. it's, literally, the only thing you will ever do. if you don't want to do it, then don't.

I've tried being optimistic. I tried staying positive. And for a while, it worked. But as I've learned, life will always take what makes you happy, and shove you to the dirt. I'm not really depressed. I'm just thinking realisticly. It prevents the pain of getting hopes up.


You haven't seen 99% of what life has to offer. You're obviously not dirt poor,you have so many opportunities to be someone great.
Thinking about life pessimistically doesn't hurt anyone but yourself. YOU choose if you want to sit around moping and doing NOTHING, getting NOWHERE and upsetting everyone who cares about you, or if you want to make someone out of yourself and follow your dreams.

It's ultimately your choice, but please don't act like this is the worst it can get. There are millions of teenagers wanting to be in your situation.  Take advantage of what you have and cherish those who are close to you, because you wont have them forever, and soon enough you'll be out on your own. Do you want to be someone who said "I gave up on life when I was 16. That explains why I don't have a job or family or money"?


You haven't seen 99% of what life has to offer. You're obviously not dirt poor,you have so many opportunities to be someone great.
Thinking about life pessimistically doesn't hurt anyone but yourself. YOU choose if you want to sit around moping and doing NOTHING, getting NOWHERE and upsetting everyone who cares about you, or if you want to make someone out of yourself and follow your dreams.

It's ultimately your choice, but please don't act like this is the worst it can get. There are millions of teenagers wanting to be in your situation.  Take advantage of what you have and cherish those who are close to you, because you wont have them forever, and soon enough you'll be out on your own. Do you want to be someone who said "I gave up on life when I was 16. That explains why I don't have a job or family or money"?

Be happy with what you have. There are people out there who don't even have running water to wash their hands with. Let alone water at all.

op why do you have loads of really strange things in your sig?
it's really odd, i mean ... wat


You haven't seen 99% of what life has to offer. You're obviously not dirt poor,you have so many opportunities to be someone great.
Thinking about life pessimistically doesn't hurt anyone but yourself. YOU choose if you want to sit around moping and doing NOTHING, getting NOWHERE and upsetting everyone who cares about you, or if you want to make someone out of yourself and follow your dreams.

It's ultimately your choice, but please don't act like this is the worst it can get. There are millions of teenagers wanting to be in your situation.  Take advantage of what you have and cherish those who are close to you, because you wont have them forever, and soon enough you'll be out on your own. Do you want to be someone who said "I gave up on life when I was 16. That explains why I don't have a job or family or money"?

basically, you really need to stop being so miserable about life. if you actually died, it would be really inconsiderate and selfish to your family as they probably love you like any other parent would.

If you commit Self Delete, you're going to die alone and sad, with no one to talk to.

Which means you would've wasted your life if it actually worked.

I hope you're genuinely happy with your dumb decision.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 03:41:59 AM by T0XIC »

Cheap knife? Are you The docter?
But seriously, Self Delete is never the answer, no matter how bad the problem. There is always another way to solve things, killing yourself will only make it worse for you and everyone who ever knew you.

Cheap knife? Are you The docter?
But seriously, Self Delete is always the answer, no matter how bad the problem. There is always another way to solve things, killing yourself will only make it better for you and everyone who ever knew you.


Do you not understand that the rest of us are completely serious about this?

Do you not understand that the rest of us are completely serious about this?
This is a serious topic? I call that bullstuff.

guys guys guys, this is superslayer. Now if memory serves me correctly, he used to be a total friend. He ran around saying he's in his 20's or whatever, and he has a wife or girlfriend or some stuff. Then one day out of the blue he says that it was actually his brother and that his "brother" gave him the account. So really it would be no surprise if this was for attention.

Also when people include these really minute insignificant details like it being a "walmart knife" it usually means it's a lie.