Author Topic: .  (Read 5686 times)

« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 02:30:38 AM by Pload »

Wow, this looks good. I would pledge some money but i'm broke.

Also, do you plan on hosting your Prison Escape again?

If I had any money to spare currently I would back this.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 02:30:57 AM by Pload »

If you can't pledge, but want to, just share it to at least one of your friends and that would be a major help.

I might be releasing some of the code to a friend to host and develop.
Okay dokie!

I'll back this once I can get a few dollars together, what would be a good minimum price do you think?

I'm giving you all I have right now, a dollar, because this has a HUGE potential, and I quite like it.
EDIT: Can you accept paypal please?

Hey I would suggest posting this on the Bay12 forums.

Wow, this looks amazing.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 02:31:06 AM by Pload »

Looks pretty nice though
do you have the whole thing planned out or is it rough?

Sorry, Kickstarter will not allow anything but Amazon Payments.

Kickstarter itself won't, but you can put paypal's donate button on the page.

I am so going to back this game up.

oooh looks nice
put 40k is a bit much in my opinion

Backed $6, its all I had but every little bit helps!