Author Topic: loving Skype Calls.  (Read 2654 times)

I'm loving tired of being added to these gay loving calls. A few days ago Pacha added me (by mistake which was fine) then I got added to some more stuff my Maxx, then today DrenDran. I've loving had it with these stupid Skype orgies. Seriously, enough with it.

Looks like you're overreacting. If you don't want to talk to them, don't add them.

I heard the notifications through your minecraft server's tinychat. Pretty annoying

Looks like you're overreacting. If you don't want to talk to them, don't add them.
not at all overreacting, this stuff is stupid and everyone who did it to me i removed them immediately after.  there's no way to tell who is a friend and does these kind of things without these threads, so i'm thankful for this thread.

it's not funny, it's just loving annoying.

Looks like you're overreacting. If you don't want to talk to them, don't add them.
That's the thing, some of them I want to talk to but they add me to these gay things, and I already blocked maxx. And i'm not overreacting, I get added to these things at least 1-2 times a day.

Glass, I'm not adding you, just lettting you know.

the thing is this isn't related to blockland at all
i never added you to the skype call lol
[4:03:43 PM] *** DrenDran added Michael Rich ***

I'm sorry Glass.
Here, I'll invite you to our group so I can apologize.

Glass you have friends...enjoy them before they leave.

I get added to these dumb skype calls too sometimes. /support

maxx being a dumbass like usual

maxx being a dumbass like usual
i dont know why you guys are being negative toward me
i got added into the call along with glass that was added by drendran
stop accusing me of the stuff i didn't do.


when glass got added along with me

the thing is this isn't related to blockland at all
i never added you to the skype call lol
[4:03:43 PM] *** DrenDran added Michael Rich ***
If it's drama on the Internet, it can be posted here.

i dont know why you guys are being negative toward me
i got added into the call along with glass that was added by drendran
stop accusing me of the stuff i didn't do.

did i accuse you of anything?

im saying you look like a dumbass, because of that skype chat.