Author Topic: My brother has a serious addiction to League  (Read 6850 times)

He's so addicted to the game that I don't even get to have a single conversation with him anymore. Not even through messaging over Skype or something. I haven't played a game with him in ages because he's always got his face glued to League Of Legends. He never shuts up at night with him constantly yelling at his teammates and laughing and stuff and he's always got headphones on so he's never conscious about how loud he's being.

My parents are getting really tired of his addiction. He's nineteen, getting ready to go to college, but all he does is sit there and play League, it's like he doesn't even exist. I've never had a strong connection with my brother to begin with, but I never figured that we'd grow this far apart to the point that he seems like a stranger mooching our internet to play a videogame.

Honestly, he doesn't even go to work that often — and when he does, he spends every little cent on LoL. Guys, I'm really getting concerned for my bro here. I know this ain't the place to rant about it but I'm just sincerely worried about his uncontrollable addiction to a game. And no, he's not your average League player, he's constantly on that game. It's disgusting and it's starting to make me wish he'd just move out of the house already.

All he ever does is act like an ass to everybody and then disappear from the world once he starts playing League. It sucks because he used to be way better than this. But ever since his friends introduced him to League a couple years ago, he's been progressively getting worse and worse with this addiction of his.

It feels like I don't even have a brother anymore and I'm starting to feel like I never will.

Besides, isn't there something a little wrong about a legal adult spending all their time on a game rather than saving up money for the college they're about to go to? I mean honestly.

Sorry for the rant, I was just curious if any of you guys have known similar people that are crazily addicted to LoL to the point that they don't even exist anymore.


Delete everything on his computer except league and lock him in his room. Remove all other sources of entertainment or amusement.

Delete everything on his computer except league and lock him in his room. Remove all other sources of entertainment or amusement.

Looool, he's in the living room. That's why it's so awkward. I can't sit in the living room anymore because he gets annoyed.


Conspicuously leave this topic on his computer when he brbs.

Conspicuously leave this topic on his computer when he brbs.

LOL. I wish it were that simple.

Point a gun at yourself

If his addiction is really that bad, you should maybe delete LoL on his PC. I never really understood why my friends played LoL, it seemed like your average Runescape RPG when I skimmed through the webpage.

Point a gun at yourself

If his addiction is really that bad, you should maybe delete LoL on his PC. I never really understood why my friends played LoL, it seemed like your average Runescape RPG when I skimmed through the webpage.

Nah, I play a stuff ton of RuneScape. It's addicting, but it doesn't consume my life like League does to some people. LoL is an RTS game, RuneScape is an RPG. Completely different games. Still, I don't understand how anyone can play a game like League for more than a week without getting seriously bored.

And it is that bad, problem is, he's a pissy little bitch if you mess with his League. Besides, he'd just redownload the game and lag the stuff out of the internet in the process.

Your parents know about it right? You should make them talk to him about it.

Post his log in info on 4chan.

I don't get how those games are THAT fun. Not suited to my tastes I guess

if you seriously want to piss him off and prove that he's a massive douchebag, install Dota 2 and Heroes of Newerth onto that computer, then rename/replace the shortcuts and icons with "League of Legends"

Your parents know about it right? You should make them talk to him about it.

That's the problem. We all know about this problem and my parents are on the verge of kicking him out of the house. You can just tell. .-.

He's nineteen, anyway.

if you seriously want to piss him off and prove that he's a massive douchebag, install Dota 2 and Heroes of Newerth onto that computer, then rename/replace the shortcuts and icons with "League of Legends"

LOL. I tried to get him to play Dota 2 instead and he said that League was way better and that Dota 2 was stuff. That would probably make him mad. 8)

and he said that League was way better and that Dota 2 was stuff.

fanboyism to the extreme

did he even explain why he thinks that? he probably can't.

Both of my brothers are basically addicted to video games like WoW, LoL, and stuff like that. One's 21, doesn't know how to drive, and quit school because he "didn't agree with the school system," in other words, he was too busy playing World of Warcraft to do his homework. The other one is 17, has an extremely short temper- any time you call him out on something he will start yelling, and he will insult people and call it a joke just to not get his stuff slapped. Both of them yell when they're in Skype calls, both of them never shut up about the video games they're playing, the 17 year old is failing school while the 21 year old has no plans for the future, and ever since they've found these games they've been overweight.

I also have a similar problem, but my friend is addicted to getting pusillanimous individual and won't share any of it with me. :(