Author Topic: My brother has a serious addiction to League  (Read 6849 times)

I generally dislike DOTA style games. I generally like FPSes more because they take a different type of skill than DOTA.

That's like the worst thing you can be
at least you don't have to live with them


It feels loving horrible, doesn't it? I'm glad I'm not the only one.

fanboyism to the extreme

did he even explain why he thinks that? he probably can't.

Yeah, he said that League had more features and wasn't outdated and stuff.

Lol he assumes having more features makes it a better game? Look at RuneScape 2007 VS. RuneScape EoC

Just because EoC has more features doesn't make it a better game.

i hate dota 2 compared to league.
this is coming from someone who played dota 2 before they played league.

I generally dislike DOTA style games. I generally like FPSes more because they take a different type of skill than DOTA.

That's definitely understandable, DotA isn't ever going to just anyone's thing. That's why League tried to make the genre more accessible and more "mainstream," so to speak.

Whether or not their success is a good thing is open to interpretation.

Yeah, he said that League had more features and wasn't outdated and stuff.

u wot m8, League cuts out so many features from DotA to make it easier. No courier, no creep pulling/stacking/blocking, etc

i hate dota 2 compared to league.
this is coming from someone who played dota 2 before they played league.

Might have something to do with the fact that League was designed to be more "casual."

that's a word for word description of my good for nothing brother, flunked college and lives with us for three years, doesn't get a job, just stays home and plays WoW and Skyrim. 23 and it'd be nice if a stray bullet hit him.

i still dont understand whats so big about LoL, many of my friends are actual addicts when it comes to it, instead of hanging out with me outside they hang inside with their internet friends :(

It feels loving horrible, doesn't it? I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I just hate it how the 21 year old wasn't kicked out after his first little "rampage" after my mom took away his computer. I also hate it how my mom is so strict with me because she doesn't want me to become like my brothers, but that's understandable.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 09:53:45 PM by Shazoo »

The only video game people talk about at my school is LoL.

I could never get into league of legends, I tried it for a few days and ended up never playing it again.

The only video game people talk about at my school is LoL.

Another reason I left public school. Too many people had stuff interests in gaming. Too much hype about Minecraft, LoL, and COD. Disgusting.

I just hate it how the 21 year old wasn't kicked out after his first little "rampage" after my mom took away his computer. I also hate it how my mom is so strict with me because she doesn't want me to become like my brothers, but that's understandable.

It's really based on the person. My brother is addicted to League but I can't even think about trying the game. Let alone Dota 2, but I might play it. Dota 2 sounds more promising since it's less mainstream. I could be wrong, but I'd rather play Dota 2 anyway.

I could never get into league of legends, I tried it for a few days and ended up never playing it again.

I'd play the stuff out of games like Command & Conquer, but not League. .-.

Another reason I left public school. Too many people had stuff interests in gaming. Too much hype about Minecraft, LoL, and COD. Disgusting.
I found a few friends at school who are into PC games and TF2, they're cool

I generally dislike DOTA style games. I generally like FPSes more because I am bad at DOTA and good at CS:S

I found a few friends at school who are into PC games and TF2, they're cool

Yeah, I was in a club called "The Gentleman's Internet Society" or some stuff like that. We were all into TF2 and valve games and Quake 'n stuff.

Was fun having LAN parties in the school library.


Are you implying that people don't like DOTA/League because they're bad at it?
