Author Topic: What would you do in a nuclear apocalypse?  (Read 3187 times)

Assuming that most urban centers were destroyed (All towns or cities with a population above 5,000) yet you were outside (a safe distance away from) of a major urban area, what would you do?
« Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 01:22:07 AM by Tomcat »

find a gun and kill myself.

Find an organized government system and survive with them.

Make sure earth stays dead.
No one deserves to live after this. Plow the moon right to the planet

Gather food and find shelter.

Try to be as far away from the bombed areas. Be safe with your family members.

Find an organized government system and survive with them.
This won't always work because it won't be like an average lifestyle. The military will almost always take charge, put down curfews, be very strict, and not allow the survivors in the quarantinecenter to decide on things.

I would start my own survivor group, and be very nomadic unless it is a Zombie Apocalyspe or some sort of Military take over.

Since I already live in a town that size there would be no difference in my life

Eat a waffle. That's the only logical answer.

if i survive i will continue to repopulate the earth, with mutant babies

actually wouldn't everyone be dead? even if you survived the explosion, you'd die from radiation.

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