Dear Iceland: Your keyboards suck

Author Topic: Dear Iceland: Your keyboards suck  (Read 1362 times)

Oh hi guys I am in Iceland. Their keyboards are horrid and their language looks like a downs 2 year old smacked it´s face against a keyboard printed it out and said "Daddy daddy I made a language!!!"  I just got out of a volcano (Literally, I actually was inside the only volcano that you can actually go into lol) and there were a ton of colors. The hike there was miserable but according to the guide I was a natural. Oh and the water smells like stuff, only the hot water though. It uses geothermal heating so they have infinite renewable energy and heating - but it smells like sulfur. I have had horse and kangaroo meat and it was very tasty :). Though when I am at the hotel I usually go on the stuffty computers that are actually running Ubuntu 9.04 and I ssh into my server and work on a little project. Guys, if you ever go to Iceland here are 2 tips: Don´t bother with currency, every store, literally, every, single, store, takes credit card. And don´t bother with shorts because at no point in time will you be wearing them. The city is clean, really, really, clean. Littering there is probably the biggest crime there (mostly because no one there commits crime). A little fun fact is that there are no natural predators in Iceland so the sheep and farm animals get tagged and then can literally roam the entire island and never have to worry about getting eaten. Then during the winter they go into the farms and some get eaten. Another fun thing is that the cows when they want to be milked go into these sheds that are spread all around the island, and a laser guided automatic milking machine milks the cows. Literally.
All of that aside you should consider this to be a plausible vacation because it is cheap and awesome.  I will be coming back on Sunday and I´ll tell you all about it ;). Sorry for those I can´t talk to on steam - I can´t access Steam because I can´t access my e-mail because I can´t access my phone.

ps for kingdaro only: please PM me progress on how much progress you got and what is implemented now and what needs to become implemented

ps for everyone else: this is a cool place.

ps for everyone else: this is a cool place.
of course it is, that's why it's called iceland

Scandinavian languages are one of the most hard to learn, it has barrowed from Norwegian and Danish.