Author Topic: TITANIC (Latest update pg. 38. Current as of 13 Mar 15)  (Read 85341 times)

I just realized Badspot bumped a build
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 03:45:48 AM by Sylvanor »

I just realized Badspot bumped a build
Well it is still fairly monumental in the blockland community, as one of the largest achievements accomplished by a builder. I think it's nice to see the side of Badspot that bumps something like this to keep it alive.

forgot this even existed

Well the last I saw of it was over a year ago, so...

I still have a week of R&R, so I plan to start this back up for a bit. Look for updates in the next day or two.

I still have a week of R&R, so I plan to start this back up for a bit. Look for updates in the next day or two.
Awwww yissssss

I understand that that the private add-ons you use for the build are obviously private, but after the build is completed, will those add-ons be released to the public? (not immediately, more like a few months after completion.)

I understand that that the private add-ons you use for the build are obviously private, but after the build is completed, will those add-ons be released to the public? (not immediately, more like a few months after completion.)
Ya like the poles, doors, windows, chairs, etc.

300% sure it dont be released. Classic bl...

300% sure it dont be released. Classic bl...

You DO realize this isn't something that's official, right? This is myself and other blockland users making a build. Piss off with that attitude.

Anyway, after some work getting my add-ons folder and colorset rebuilt, I've gotten it operational again. Back to business as usual.

When this is complete, it should be a part of a game mode that's like a murder mystery or something that's set in a pretty looking environmental setting like in Velvet Sundown

And be included in Blockland

Because it needs more big and amazing builds for players to look at and play with