Author Topic: Output Event - set2DCamera  (Read 7204 times)

2D Camera Event

This add-on adds a set2DCamera client event that makes a camera follow the player like in 2D platformers.

There are two parameters for this event:


North - Makes the camera face north
South - Makes the camera face south
East - Makes the camera face east
West - Makes the camera face west
None - Makes the player go back to the normal view


Basically how high the camera is angled. Lowest is -360, highest is 360. Default is 5.


Basically how far away the camera stays from the player when not obstructed by an object.
The maximum distance is 25, the closest is 5. Default is 10.

There is also a /resetCamera command for admins.
This can be disabled with RTB Prefs or manually with $Pref::Server::CanReset2DCamera


v1.0 to v1.1

  • Added an option for pitch
  • Changed distance numbers from negative to positive to make it less confusing for users
  • Raised maximum camera distance to 25


Dropbox (Most recent)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 10:54:43 PM by Electrk »

video right now
we must see it


needs up and down

and more clarification on

The minimum minimum distance is -15, the highest is -5

needs up and down

good idea

and more clarification on

it's just the distance the camera stays from the player when not obstructed by an object

make it on RTB and my life will be complete

now all we need is a playertype that cannot go left or right and changes controls so A and D moves backward or forward (bonus points if you have A make the player look left and move instead of walk backwards)

it's just the distance the camera stays from the player when not obstructed by an object
clarification on the units it uses.
and the reason why minimum is -15 and the max -5, though that may be just me wanting to know.

now all we need is a playertype that cannot go left or right and changes controls so A and D moves backward or forward (bonus points if you have A make the player look left and move instead of walk backwards)
you can do that yourself
take the no-jet playertype and edit the lateral movement to 0, and rename all parts.

needs up and down
wouldn't that just be the top-down player

clarification on the units it uses.

Torque units I believe, which is 2 studs per unit

and the reason why minimum is -15 and the max -5, though that may be just me wanting to know.

0 is in the player and anything higher than that is past the player and you can't see yourself

we shall now play together

you can do that yourself
take the no-jet playertype and edit the lateral movement to 0, and rename all parts.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Code: [Select]
//no jets at all
datablock PlayerData(PlayerNoJet : PlayerStandardArmor)
minJetEnergy = 0;
jetEnergyDrain = 0;
canJet = 0;

uiName = "No-Jet Player";
showEnergyBar = false;
Is this something I should know? I have never made a playertype before.