Author Topic: Output Event - set2DCamera  (Read 7210 times)

Hmm, now that you mention it, yes, it does seem to be sort of low...
Wait, to look down on the player?
Isn't that already...
not directly, but like this where the camara is locked towards north but is looking down onto the player, lets say for example 45 degrees from directly above the player, from the side


Minimum distance

The minimum minimum distance is -15, the highest is -5.
Basically, it's how far away the camera stays from the player when not obstructed by an object.
why is the minimum distance limited to -15? how do i change this? i'm tweaking with the events and i want more distance from the player

no, it just gives you a free pistol!

Now make this automatically occur on a playertype and were good

Now I have something to use for me super mario map :D

When are you going to add a pitch parameter to this, man?  It'd fix the "camera too low" problem and make this the best thing to happen to Blockland in years.

When are you going to add a pitch parameter to this, man?  It'd fix the "camera too low" problem and make this the best thing to happen to Blockland in years.

I'm working on it

This is pretty cool!

Although now my /setplayercontrol + self spy trick won't look as fancy :c

v1.0 to v1.1

  • Added an option for pitch
  • Changed distance numbers from negative to positive to make it less confusing for users
  • Raised maximum camera distance to 25

Where did you get all that from?"Add-Ons/Script_2dPlayer/server.cs"); and modify it from there.

Why in the world would you have -360 to 360?  Just go -90 to 270.

Why in the world would you have -360 to 360?  Just go -90 to 270.

why not

Minor update: Made /resetCamera admin-only.

Isometric games
here we come

Any chance for this to be attached to a playertype?