Trouble in Terrorist Town

Author Topic: Trouble in Terrorist Town  (Read 3642 times)

Yep. It's really in Blockland.

Trouble in Terrorist Town
or Blockland town

What is it?

If you're not familiar with Trouble in Terrorist Town (or TTT), TTT is a game that is sort of like a murder mystery. Randomly selected, bad guys called Traitors have the mission to kill everybody (that isn't a Traitor, of course). Also randomly selected are Detectives, who find clues to the killer of a corpse. The rest of the people are Innocents. Both the Detective(s) and Innocents have to find all the Traitors and kill them. Nobody knows who is who, but a Detective will have a light-blue name on their head.


Karma determines how good of a player you are. Karma can be seen using the player list (default F2) and looking at a player's score. Karma is defaulted at 1000. Karma cannot go over 1015. Visible karma will not change until the next round. If your karma is below (or equal to) 700, you will be warned about it. If your karma is below or equal to 600, you are banned for 10 minutes, and your karma is set back to 700. If you do not RDM for the entire round, you gain karma if it is below 1000.


There are some rules. Here they are:
  • Innocents must have a reason to kill someone. Without one, it is considered an RDM (random death-match).
  • No team-killing (example: Traitor kills Traitor, Detective kills Detective/Innocent). Team-killing results in loss of karma.
  • Detectives may not give orders.
  • Dead players may not talk to the living. This prevents metagaming.
  • Nobody is required to enter the Traitor Tester if one is present, but refusing to enter it makes you look suspicious.
  • Abuse of /reportbug will result in a ban.
If there are any rules you want on here just post it here, and I will decide if it will be added or not.


Traitors have access to a Traitor Store (accessed by /traitorstore). The store currently holds 3 items, and, you guessed it, only Traitors can access it. It currently holds:
  • C4 Explosive: Plant a C4 in a spot for a certain amount of time, then have it explode. Costs 2 credits.
  • Flare Gun: Lights bodies on fire, burns it to its ashes, then removes the body. Only has 3 bullets, and no ammo can be found lying on the ground, so use it wisely. Costs 1 credit.
  • Self Delete Bomb: Activating it will play a sound, then a couple seconds later, creating a large explosion, killing you and everyone near it. Costs 2 credits.

Credits are earned by killing Innocents, or a Detective. You get 1 credit for each kill, but you always start with 2 at the beginning of the round. You can find credits off of a corpse of a Traitor if they died with any.


Detectives have the ability to start a beacon on the killer of a corpse, if the killer is alive and the DNA on the corpse hasn't expired yet. (similar to the DNA scanner in the original TTT) DNA is available prior to exactly 2 minutes after the corpse has been produced.
A beacon on a player will produce a loud sound, and a bright light at the location of the player, every 10 seconds. If the DNA has expired, the beacon expires. If it's the next round, the beacon expires as well. Before I am flooded with suggestions that want the beacon to be visible to the activator only, I cannot do that. Sorry.


Bodies can be picked up using the Magneto-Stick. I know it looks nothing like a stick, but I can't model it. The Magneto-Stick is a modified Gravity Gun (credits to Space Guy) that can only pick up bodies. Alt-fire (fling) is disabled. No ropes. Sorry.

When it's up

Sorry to say, but the uptimes are various. I can't pay for a server hosting service.

I found a bug!

You can use the /reportbug command if there are any bugs in the gamemode. Don't abuse it.

Want to make your own map?

Well you can, but you can't if you want to put a Traitor Tester in there. I'm going to make a small gamemode that has all of the addons and weapons in it. It will only have parts of the gamemode that can be added to the map, like the Traitor Tester brick and its events.


I am open to suggestions. Just PM me (on these forums) for any suggestions to this gamemode.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 01:18:52 AM by mitterdoo »

sounds better than I expected, even though this has been done before. this one has elements the other two (mafia madness and BBB) don't have

Is this done yet or is it still being modified?

Is this done yet or is it still being modified?
Both, sorta. Most features are done but I'm open to suggestions.