Author Topic: Saving Ownership Problem  (Read 2098 times)

I downloaded the Minecraft Blocks add-on:
I've noticed that the blocks are not saving ownership while everything else is.
I can't seem to figure out what the problem is.
Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?

Ownership is only saved on baseplates, AFAIK.

Ownership is only saved on baseplates, AFAIK.

In the context of Blockland saving, a baseplate refers to the brick on the bottom of a stack.

That explains it.
Cause I'm using zone bricks...

EDIT*:  Is there any fix for this?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 02:05:52 PM by Clone2 »

That explains it.
Cause I'm using zone bricks...

EDIT*:  Is there any fix for this?

Zone bricks are a hack to allow floating bricks and Blockland was never built to properly cope with floating bricks - so no, you need to either replace the saving mechanism with your own or stop using zone bricks.

Zone bricks are a hack to allow floating bricks and Blockland was never built to properly cope with floating bricks - so no, you need to either replace the saving mechanism with your own or stop using zone bricks.
Getting rid of zone bricks is out of the option (I'm not going to explain).
I guess I'll have to find some other kind of saving mechanism or write my own.

Why not put down a baseplate and then put the zonebrick ontop of it?

Why not put down a baseplate and then put the zonebrick ontop of it?

Because that's what I was doing to begin with.

They're basically water so you can build in them

They're basically water so you can build in them

no i mean
calling it a hack lol