Author Topic: RTB Is Down  (Read 2783 times)

I chose today to work on my auto updater, fml.
thats a bit of an overreaction

thats a bit of an overreaction
nobody actually means it when they say "fml".

its still excessive, its not like you need rtb for an auto updater, look at like slayer

ok now it actually is back
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 01:12:09 AM by The Brighter Dark »

Just wait for the topic to be unnecessarily locked.

I'm starting to think maybe you should be unnecessarily locked, considering your attitude -_-

wouldn't it be "going to his donuts"
or would the implied fatness be so impressive that he'd have trails of fats from his arms dragging across the floor with enough girth to pull a cord out of something

Ephi is sleeping cuz hes a britcigarette. Wait til he wakes up.

Had a load of sudden incoming traffic which OOM'd the server or something. It's booting back up now but may be a bit slow while I run some integrity check stuff.

Had a load of sudden incoming traffic which OOM'd the server or something. It's booting back up now but may be a bit slow while I run some integrity check stuff.

the server needs to quit telling stories

Had a load of sudden incoming traffic which OOM'd the server or something. It's booting back up now but may be a bit slow while I run some integrity check stuff.
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It is still not up :(
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 12:50:12 AM by Johnny Blockhead »

its still excessive, its not like you need rtb for an auto updater, look at like slayer
Slayer checks if the website's version number is different than the currently installed one, then automatically installs the update from RTB.

I don't have RTB, so no problems for me.

I don't have RTB, so no problems for me.
It's back up.