Author Topic: Horus - A bitchy 12 year old who cries when he isnt listened to.  (Read 3751 times)

So, iv'e been friends with Horus for about 3 months, maybe 4. He was all fine in the beginning, until about 4 weeks ago.

So he has been having little mood swings here and there, and i'm thinking "Wow, is this kid a girl, because they are acting like they are on their period".

A list of thing's recently:

  • Kick me and change password because I side stepped his knife stab on his server, and I stabbed him. Then logged out of RTB and Steam.
  • Freak out if i touch his bricks or grapple rope on them (The bricks have no events).
  • Freaks out when you wrench his brick to see what light is spawned on the brick.
  • Cries when he doesn't get what he want's.
  • Has crazy mood swings.
  • Keep's complaining about how he is loosing friends every week (Gee, I wonder why).
  • And just yesterday, I cracked a little joke about his name by typing this: "Whoreus :3". It was not the first time, so I don't know why he did not know I was joking. He immediately shut down his server, sent me a message on RTB saying something like: "WHEN WILL YOU LEARN TO STOP BEING SO CHILDISH? FOR THAT, I'M BANNING YOU OFF NAT3's FORUM (A lame little forum that they think is the best ever, and best of all, he is the only administrator there. I will put link at the bottom. Basically, they made it on because hate this forum and think everyone here is way to critical, so they cried about it and made their own with 19 members, and about 4 are active.)AND IM DE-FRIENDING YOU ON STEAm, RTB, AND IM BLOCKING YOU, YOU ANNOYING CUNT cigarette!!!" So, he did, then followed up "Goodbye forever, cigarette <3" Then left.
  • He also spams a lot (Who likes a spammer?)

So i'm struggling to think why he had so many friends in the first place, but now I think he is down to about 5 friends in all on Blockland. And he will lose about 2 next week, 1 the next, and the last 2 the next. Hopefully then he will realize how much of a douchebag he is.


/discuss. Who else thinks this kid has hormone issues?

I went on their forums and found this:

That makes me give an anti-support.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 04:29:12 PM by Ephialtes »

You have more problems than he does.

I went on their forums and found this:

That makes me give an anti-support.
He also spams a lot (Who likes a spammer?)
I sense some irony.

that was a terrible joke then

That was really immature of you, anti support.

Jesus Christ. I've never seen a drama with such potential backfire with loving quickly.

loving hell OP, rise above it.