Author Topic: Is Blockland dying?  (Read 17018 times)

Blockland will never die so long as the earth turns. ID 101 is still active today, still building a project that was started a long time ago.

and god bless his soul for it

Well, I'm not complaining about maps being gone, shaders are nice and all, but the maps we used to have just sparked the builder's ideas, etc.

Well, I'm not complaining about maps being gone, shaders are nice and all, but the maps we used to have just sparked the builder's ideas, etc.
no, it just gave them less to build

I always kinda liked the idea of being the toys from Toy Story playing around in some kids house.

no, it just gave them less to build
And thus the stuffty builds of today, you hardly see more on gallery than you did back when.

Well, I'm not complaining about maps being gone, shaders are nice and all, but the maps we used to have just sparked the builder's ideas, etc.
I haven't seen an actual server that uses bedroom or kitchen that is not a freebuild

And thus the stuffty builds of today, you hardly see more on gallery than you did back when.

I don't see how having a giant bed and a closed space is going to make your builds better? Skill level determines the quality of your build, not interiors.

Again, you're trying to associate the single example to an entire rule. It's not that specific. I'm sure badspot could add "the game is not fun" to the auto-ban list if he wanted. It's like saying "don't care, don't post" rule only applies to the phrase "i dont care". It's a stupid 2bit view of the rules that any amount of common sense would override.
I know that those three examples are only examples and do not make up the entire rule, but I am still not seeing any plea for sympathy. The things you quoted earlier may have caused you and others to be sympathetic, but in no way does that mean he was asking for it. I hadn't felt sympathetic at all when I first read through it. All I see is a well worded OP which persuades the reader to agree with him and I do agree with him on some points.

You are taking the absolute worst possible approach. You are picking at his words to make him out as someone asking for attention or sympathy.

Not one person mentioned ANYTHING about him pleading for sympathy or even anything that was remotely negative UNTIL he was banned. Some people couldn't understand why he was banned because they honestly couldn't find it. Even I had read it (before the ban) and thought nothing of it. After the ban I had to read through a few pages just to find out why he was banned.

I know this guy has been banned several times and has had several keys revoked, but I seriously think this ban was uncalled for. Even I won't miss him. I just don't think the ban was completely fair.


I don't see how having a giant bed and a closed space is going to make your builds better? Skill level determines the quality of your build, not interiors.
A long time ago I was thinking of finishing off the Bedroom interior with adding a giant table or TV and such.

Stuff is gained and lost for the removal of interiors and terrain, but not all is lost.

Besides, we have that The Bedroom default build anyway. Suitable enough for me :cookieMonster:.

I haven't seen an actual server that uses bedroom or kitchen that is not a freebuild
You evidently never saw Pecon's old boss battles. I also created a pirate-warfare thing in the Kitchen (but never hosted it)

-i cannot see what is in clearly plain sight-
And Badspot saw what you clearly cannot.

This is why Badspot is an administrator, and you aren't.

Stuff is gained and lost for the removal of interiors and terrain, but not all is lost.
I heard Marble Man was working on a reconstruction.

I want the old nostalgic Blockland back, where everything was new and there was a thousand ways to waste your time.
I don't know if you're indirectly asking for maps back, but even if you aren't I know what you're saying.
User was banned for this post
I don't think I've ever seen a topic in which the OP was banned...
History is made today.