Author Topic: Why does youtube keep updating it's look?  (Read 2244 times)

I am so confused with the new youtube theme right now, that I think I might throw up.
First of all, they added this annoying bar to the top of the page.
Second, they keep changing the locations of the videos you liked.
Third, they made the subscribe button stick out a lot, and made it red.
Why does google keep changing it around?
Barely anyone complains about the old one.
I guess that we complain about the new one's look, so they change it around again.
Discuss annoying youtube changes.

The YouTube design team has nothing left to do. They have to make stupid changes like this just to fix them to keep themselves occupied.

Remember how you typed that huge essay in class and weren't allowed to go online so you just stared at the document? So, you decide to change font size here and there, make slight changes, move the layout and stuff around a bit just because you couldn't do anything else? This is what this design team is doing, except stuff and counter-productive

I see nothing wrong
the only issue is I wish they added so you can change the layout when you want.

The YouTube design team has nothing left to do. They have to make stupid changes like this just to fix them to keep themselves occupied.

Remember how you typed that huge essay in class and weren't allowed to go online so you just stared at the document? So, you decide to change font size here and there, make slight changes, move the layout and stuff around a bit just because you couldn't do anything else? This is what this design team is doing, except stuff and counter-productive


I actually like the "annoying bar." It lets you decorate your channel. As for the subscribe button, Idc.

Summed it up perfectly muzzles

Youtube changes it's design to piss off you people who complain. Seriously, why should you care? You can still watch videos, stop being a baby.

why do people complain so much every time youtube updates its look

seriously, they're very small changes

i like this newest change it hid the guide stuff

why do people complain so much every time youtube updates its look

seriously, they're very small changes
I'll break this down:

1. "This layout is so horrible! What were they thinking?"
2. "Ah, I'm finally used to this layout now."
3. The YouTube layout is changed when people have gotten used to the previous design.
4. Repeat the process every 8 months or so.

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I will fight you...

I'm fine with the layout, but the only issue is


i had one of those popups asking if i would use my google+ name or something but  now i cant even login anymore :D

Honestly, would the website be that good if they kept the same design for years?

They're changing to keep up with the times, and keep their website modern. If youtube never changed, not only would everyone be bored as stuff, but the website would fall far behind other websites in terms of technological appeal.

Besides, why complain about something that YouTube/Google won't change regardless of what you say or do, and that you know you'll get used to within a week or less? We've been through this cycle before, and it's (kind of) surprising that people haven't gotten wise.