Author Topic: Truly "Hiding" the Tool Box  (Read 1756 times)

By default as most know you can check the "Hide Tool Box" option in Blockland's options.  However, the tool box still opens once you press q to use/equip a weapon.

To cut to the chase, I've been thinking of making a deathmatching compilation video and I want the screen to essentially only show my crosshair and the killfeed, if possible (basically Script_FilmMode but with those two elements still showing).  I don't know if you can only show kills in the chat box, but it would be nice if you could.  If not, hiding the blue names that appear while players are typing would be nice, too (both not being shown would be the best case scenario).  In addition, hiding stuff like T+T's ammo display and other stuff like that on weapons would be nice.

I talked to Chrono a bit about this yesterday but he's having some computer issues and said he would need Blockland installed and the script would "require work."  If anyone could whip this up it would be great.  Thanks.

Here are some extremely simple/temporary solutions you can put in console. Sorry, it's late at night.

Hide Tool HUD
Code: [Select]
HUD_ToolBox.setVisible(0);HUD_ToolNameBG.setVisible(0); //alternatively, use .delete(); Console errors be damned!This is very basic and will need to be reapplied every time you open/close your tools or switch weapons. I'll try to write something better tomorrow.

Remove Chat Messages
Code: [Select]
function clientCmdChatMessage(){}Same as above. This will disable chat until you restart Blockland.

Really appreciate the help.  Even though the solutions are basic, they're still solutions and they do help.

The HUD one isn't bad but if you could write something so it doesn't have to be constantly re-applied that would be nice.  It seems like it stays as long as you don't open up options or die.  The chat one is also nice and is pretty much what I was looking for.  However, can you also make it hide teamchat?  And is it possible to filter out Slayer/evented text that appears in chat?

As I also mentioned in the OP, if it's possible hiding the names of those typing and GUI elements imposed by bottomprint/centerprint/etc. would be nice.  Here's a screenshot as an example:

Open the GUI editor with F10, select, and delete the elements you don't want. The next time you start Blockland the changes will revert.

Open gui editor and switch to NoHudGui to remove all the hud, perfect for videos

Open gui editor and switch to NoHudGui to remove all the hud, perfect for videos

Not exactly what he wants, but close.

Open the GUI editor with F10, select, and delete the elements you don't want. The next time you start Blockland the changes will revert.

Thanks.  This is exactly what I needed to completely rid of the bottomprint.  With Greek's fix for the tool HUD all that leaves is evented text that appears in the chat.  Is there any way to get rid of that?

Quick edit:  Also, the blue names when players are typing.  That isn't needed as much, but is that in any way removable?  I didn't immediately seem able to with F10 but I'll check it out again.

function handleStartTalking(){}