Author Topic: BronyPassions - Dating Site for Bronies  (Read 13756 times)

If this were a standalone site I'd be shocked but now that I've looked up there's more than just this site I'm not bothered.

Just google and you'll see about 200-ish different sites under the Passions network.

Wow. This is pretty stupid. Not trying to hate on a fandom I'm part of myself, but really? Aren't you (or shouldn't you be) just a normal person who happens to like something? I mean, I already thought dating sites were stupid, but this is just... wow...

Come on people...

If this were a standalone site I'd be shocked but now that I've looked up there's more than just this site I'm not bothered.

Just google and you'll see about 200-ish different sites under the Passions network.
Ok, well that changes things... Still, now I think that they're all kinda stupid...

If this were a standalone site I'd be shocked but now that I've looked up there's more than just this site I'm not bothered.

Just google and you'll see about 200-ish different sites under the Passions network.
So basically there's a site for freaking everything no matter how stupid it may be and the only people who use any of them fail abysmally anyway?

Seriously, I've never understood the point of dating sites. It's not like some random person you met online is going to be "purfect5evur" for you. That's not how it works.

Wow. This is pretty stupid. Not trying to hate on a fandom I'm part of myself, but really? Aren't you (or shouldn't you be) just a normal person who happens to like something? I mean, I already thought dating sites were stupid, but this is just... wow...

Come on people...

Ok, well that changes things... Still, now I think that they're all kinda stupid...
Every single fandom that has ever had a label (whether self-inflicted or not) has members who use that label to justify special treatment. They are a vocal minority of asshats who make such a cacophony they drown out the entire choir, the orchestra pit, and the dubstep that guy in the front row is playing on his ipod.
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Did you even read the posts above you?

Oh my god lol.

God forbid they date anyone who ISN'T a brony.

If this were a standalone site I'd be shocked but now that I've looked up there's more than just this site I'm not bothered.

Just google and you'll see about 200-ish different sites under the Passions network.
okay well
i'm not sure if that makes it better or worse

Oh my god lol.

God forbid they date anyone who ISN'T a brony.
Did you even read the rest of the thread?
okay well
i'm not sure if that makes it better or worse
It makes them less pathetic because there's a lot more people online, and these are just the idiots who use online dating sites who had their interests matched over to that particular site. It makes the people ON that site more pathetic because they think online dating works.
Lmao, and Kompressor;
HOLY GOD DAMN that does look a lot like kompressor.
A little too skinny though.

Who wants to be the first who counts all the 200 lbs neckbeard anime pony pros?

It's fake and meant for this exact kind of thread. Just hate mongering.

I can't stop laughing

It's fake and meant for this exact kind of thread. Just hate mongering.
um, how'd you come to that conclusion
the passions network is an actual thing that's been around for a while and this site is a part of it