Author Topic: Random weapon suggestion: C4-Boomerang  (Read 480 times)

Me and Navaro were having a chat in steam today and he linked me this. At the very bottom of the page was a C4 strapped into a boomerang.  This sounded so hilarious I thought it would be a perfect weapon for blockland. You throw it and it explodes upon hitting anything. However, it would return back to the thrower after travelling a certain distance (maybe about 32-48 studs) and explode.

if we could make boomerangs i'd have been makin crazypants boomerang weapons since like, day one

tomahawk boomerangs? check
kaboomerangs? check
wind boomerangs? check

get me a script and i'll probably do something like it

couldn't you just make it a projectile and give it negative velocity after a certain amount of time? or if you wanted it loz style you could use some of the homing projectile script and make it home back towards the player

couldn't you just make it a projectile and give it negative velocity after a certain amount of time? or if you wanted it loz style you could use some of the homing projectile script and make it home back towards the player