Author Topic: How the hell do I play STALKER: Clear Sky?  (Read 1345 times)

I just finished talking to all the douchebags in the swamp. They sent me to some random other swamp place with some guns and expected me to know what I was doing.

Attempt 1: I took a few steps, and literally exploded.

Attempt 2: I took a few steps extra, and exploded right after I crossed a bridge.

Attempt 3: Same thing as attempt 2.

Attempt 4: I tried walking through the water and died of radiation.

What the stuff am I supposed to do? Everything I do inevitably ends in my death.

please help omg I'm laughing so much harder than I should

I never played the game, but im going to assume you are walking on mines, and you should try to not do that or something

Anomalies bro, anomalies.

watch a walkthru u forgetn dumpass

I never played the game, but im going to assume you are walking on mines, and you should try to not do that or something
but how am i supposed to find my way through a radiated swamp with invisible mines

Anomalies bro, anomalies.
what are those

please help omg I'm laughing so much harder than I should
i bought this loving game for $2.49 and i don't like wasting money

that's not too bad of a loss

what are those

After the Chernobyl accident it left these dangerous super natural events and what not in areas that could kill you if not navigated correctly.

Plus its clear sky. Ive never played it but i heard its near unplayable and buggy without a fix like complete.

Stop walking into anomalies. When you get close to them, you should have some kind of visual effect/be able to see them/hear a geiger counter ticking.

Plus its clear sky. Ive never played it but i heard its near unplayable and buggy without a fix like complete.

Clear Sky is nowhere near as bad as people say it is, it just isn't as good as Shadow of Chernobyl or Call of Pripyat. I can't imagine any situation where he'd be randomly exploding unless he's walking into anomalies or he isn't paying attention and enemies are throwing grenades at him. As far as I know Clear Sky doesn't have any mines.

Stop walking into anomalies. When you get close to them, you should have some kind of visual effect/be able to see them/hear a geiger counter ticking.
There are no visual effects nor ticking.

use yo bolts
What button do you press to use the bolts?

watch where you step, hombre