Author Topic: Make fun of the above user's avatar V3  (Read 16765 times)

Not transparent. Not centered.

Your nipples sure are in a twist.
Oh wait. Skeletons don't have nipples.
I take that back.

That wasn't even making fun of my avatar. If you want to post just for the sake of getting other people to make fun of your supremely stuffty avatar, you're doing the thread wrong.

Your avatar is a rich motherforget for having a perfect grill as a skeleton.
Also gay.

Only I can dance like that

stop blinking at me and smiling, cigarette.

Dancing is for cigarettes

The giant head just killed everyone in this thread.

You're next to be banned.

Your snot gun is ineffective.

Your mini guy factory is ineffective.

Off-Topic: I have seen alot of profile pics with the tiny guy lately..

you are next to be banned! :x:x rip

And next on the Failed Scientist List..!

The moon is being mocked/copied
