
What do y'all want to do Saturday Night (poll closes at 6:30 CST)

Good 'Ol Cytube Free For All (regular sesh)
5 (83.3%)
Letterkenny Season 2 Marathon
0 (0%)
The Eric Andre Show Season 3
1 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Author Topic: The Blockland Cytube - On Extended Hiatus (due to life issues)  (Read 123783 times)

the plant murder is over
join again

this is now a your favorite quotes from dredd thread

"You choke on it."


open the door, get on the floor.

Errbody walk da dinasaur

Which dredd was it? The Stallone one or the Karl Urban one?

Which dredd was it? The Stallone one or the Karl Urban one?
the 2012 one

Which dredd was it? The Stallone one or the Karl Urban one?
karl urban with numerous references to the masterpiece sylvester stallone created throughout the movie