Glad to see somebody can avoid being banned for simply "being nice to Sigma"
What a great administration team!
who is sigma
Okay so the current situation that was going on in the server is that blocking is apparently against the rules, even though everyone in some way has blocked.
It really, really shouldn't be illegal to block. On doomland, the door blocking (which i have taken part in, yes) is unfair yes but Paradon is going to provide a map fix for that soon. Other than that, the blocking is legitimate. Two people running in the same direction, one person stops at a jump to block them from getting over so they fall and die. That's how it SHOULD happen, it's a pushbroom server and we don't have pushbrooms to help eachother to the top, we have them to kill eachother as fast as possible.
Please consider having blocking not against the rules, its really silly.