Author Topic: Watch Dogs anticipation thread  (Read 2435 times)

theres no point in bumping this unless you have information.
Is a new video with more open world gameplay and also a slice of random multiplaying intrusion enough?
Bullstuff.He's an anti-hero. As I understand it, he's fighting injustice in the world, and the police are merely an obstacle in most cases. However, with the way the game is supposed to play, you can choose whether you want to be that anti-hero, or just a barbaric vigilante.
In the new gameplay trailer they show that actually you can decide what you want to be and it influences the actions of the people around you.
Do you want to be the good guy that tries to not harm anyone or do you kill everyone in your way?
Decisions. :3

This made me 1000 times more hyped.
Hypetrain ready to leave, chuu chuuuu!

I thought it'd be a game with puppus :(

I thought it'd be a game with puppus :(
Go watch dogs somewhere else. >:(

meh the gameplay makes the city look very cramped and too dense if you ask me
yeah I know it's like that in real life too but it's a game

I'm going to have two single player games: Ones a Bad Cop, one is a good cop.

I'm going to like the bad cop. Shooting people for no reason and doing bad stuff is going to be the third.

we must anticipate, people.

yeah graphics aren't everything but i came buckets when i saw the gameplay

This was posted yesterday on their facebook/news line on the website.
I think it is pretty clever. :)

Sorry, no news yet.

Just pre-ordered my PS4 with it
Bring on Christmas