Author Topic: Joining the rugby team - what do you guys think?  (Read 1355 times)

(By the way, for Americans: 'Rugby' means 'Football'.)

A few weeks ago, I was working out in my school's gym at lunch time after I ate when spontaneously a guy my age confronted me about joining the school rugby team. I was surprised, because even though I'm muscular, I've never been one for sports evident from the fact that I've been in the lowest group for gym class with the rejects for most of my academic life. I thought this might actually be a pretty cool idea even though the question came as a surprise and I've been thinking about if I'll accept his offer for a while.

I'm pretty fast so it might be a good option. However, I don't know much beyond the basics about rugby and I'm terrified of snapping my stuff up while playing. Are any of you guys rugby or american football players, including even those just participating for fun? What do you think of the sport and do you think it would be wise for me to join the team?

tbh i think football is your best bet
you seem like you'd fit

(By the way, for Americans: 'Rugby' means 'Football'.)
don't worry, rugby is picking up in popularity (at least what i see in high school sports around here).

anyways, it's always a good idea to at least try out a sport.  i would highly recommend getting in touch with the coach to figure out the basics, and also watch some rugby game recordings and stuff like that.

rugby, from what i've seen, is similar in it's athlete requirements to american football (like there's a need for big, muscular guys, and also not as big, quick and fast guys).  definitely try the sport out.

I've never been keen on the sport, because I'm not very big and I'm not all that sporty.

But my older brother was a member of his school's Rugby Team, where he earnt the nickname "Tank" and happened to be known by pretty much everyone by it.

I would recommend you research a little bit about the game, to learn the rules and the terminology.
Rugby Groups tend to be very close-knit groups of friends, and if my brother's rugby group was anything to go by, you won't find more loyal friends elsewhere.

Do you know what sort of position you'd play?
And have you ever played Rugby to any extent before? Beyond just Tag-Rugby in a school PE class.

You might have to be aware that you're in for some knocks and bruises, but so long as you follow the rules and play safe, you'll be fine.
Always wear your safety equipment, like a gum shield.

I would say go for it if you think you'll enjoy it.
Just be careful though. Rugby players tend to get battered quite a bit. They're not the prettiest of fellows.
Busted noses and cauliflower ears aren't uncommon.
I hope you don't ruin your good looks. :P

sounds too European to me

wouldnt do it bad idea

Do you know what sort of position you'd play?
And have you ever played Rugby to any extent before? Beyond just Tag-Rugby in a school PE class.
I hope you don't ruin your good looks. :P
The position I'd play is probably wing. That's all I've played as of yet lol

In school PE class we played a lot of proper rugby, which wasn't tag-rugby. Apart from that, nothing outside of school time.
I'll try not to ruin my good looks, but maybe I'll get some battle scars  :cookieMonster:

The only thing I fear is getting hurt during football because I really like wrestling and that would mess it all up.

Rugby is the true man's sport

IMO american football is way better than rugby.

(By the way, for Americans: 'Rugby' means 'Football'.)
I'm not convinced the terms are interchangeable...

IMO american football is way better than rugby.
I'm not convinced the terms are interchangeable...
The sports are similar enough in requirements that anyone who can play American Football and imagine playing Rugby, or vice versa.

It just saves time from explaining the game to other people.
Since it's not that common in the US. It's more common in Europe and the British Commonwealth.

The sports are similar enough in requirements that anyone who can play American Football and imagine playing Rugby, or vice versa.

It just saves time from explaining the game to other people.
Since it's not that common in the US. It's more common in Europe and the British Commonwealth.
I don't pretend to know much about rugby but it's easy to see the differences between the two sports

ive always wanted to try rugby because it looks like the same as football but i see it as a more "you get to forget people up" kind of sport. like i just see me being able to beat the stuff out of people and just lay them out and it would be way more satisfying then in fb because you dont wear pads. also it doesnt seem like they are THAT different of sports.

imo the hardest part about football isnt the physical part, but the mental, youve got to be able to get out there and forget people up and be aggressive, get to the ball, hit as hard as you can everytime. youve got to know the plays which can get pretty heavy on the mind at times so you gotta be ready for that. staying in shape is important but so is drive and smarts.

I played 4 years old American football, I've never tried rugby because it's not popular here in the states, and the fact I'd probably die.

I mean playing runningback even in pads I still got smashed some games, I mean with no pads I'd probably be in tears at the end of every game lmao

Good for you!

I'm also getting back into sports this year. I'll be joining lacrosse.

wait what
i thought bb would be the top-of-the-chain apex predator cool kid in his school

but yeah join
you might have a natural talent!