Author Topic: PSA: [code][/code] vs. [tt][/tt]  (Read 1490 times)

but [tt] doesn't automatically ignore BBC
plus, for users who actually make use of the buttons, there isn't a button for either [nobbc] or [tt], while there is one for code
I agree that [tt] looks better, but functionally the code tags are probably a better option

but [tt] doesn't automatically ignore BBC
plus, for users who actually make use of the buttons, there isn't a button for either [nobbc] or [tt], while there is one for code
I agree that [tt] looks better, but functionally the code tags are probably a better option

didn't notice that
but, you'd still have to manually type the nobbc stuff
in that case I don't see any reason to use code if you're not gonna be including any BBC
and even then I'd probably still take the slightly harder option to make it look nice

code is wrong for newest version of python (3.3)

print ("Hi!")

[tt] is indeed a lot better. I use it a lot, even when it's not really code, but just tiny things, such as mentioning the GuiSwatchCtrl class.
I wish you could use BBC inside [code] tags, so you could do something like this for larger content:


the ideal combo:
function ServerCmdGbOn(%client)
messageClient(%client,'',"\c6Glow Brick on!");

pretty wonk, but you gotta settle
there's a pretty nice syntax highlighting add-on that i use, so it'd be nice if that were installed to the forum

you broke [tt]

also, I end up doing this every time I mention [tt]:

[tt][nobbc][tt][/ nobbc][/tt]

uh, whoops
looks like php tags break whatever's behind them
back to the drawing board then
surprisingly enough there doesn't seem to be a program or tool or whatever anywhere for use with BBC

Actually I think [code][/code] does have syntax hilighting. Probably PHP.

Code: [Select]
<?php phpinfo(); hello?>
Code: (Copied from website) [Select]
/* Initialize some variables using C style comments
         $a - contains a-coefficient
         $b - contains b-coefficient
         $x - value we are evaluating
         $y - result from evaluating equation */
$a 1$b 2$x 1;
$y $a $x $b;
      if ( 
$y )                // C++ style comment, check if y<5
# Shell style comment, display something when y<5
echo "Guess what?  y is less than 5!";
« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 08:49:19 AM by PurpleMetro »