Author Topic: Post your fail stories  (Read 2414 times)

>Gets new headphones for Christmas :D
>4 months later I trip over and snap cord
>Get a new headset for my birthday :D
>My sister breaks off the mic plug and messes up headphone plug
>Result is this:

...And Today it completely stops working :panda:

>be me
>be black
>talk to friend who is girl
>pretend to be mad at something she said
>pretend to punch her
>accidentally punch her hard enough to draw blood

>be me
>be black
>talk to friend who is girl
>pretend to be mad at something she said
>pretend to punch her
>accidentally punch her hard enough to draw blood

yo brother, y u gota b so harsh

I'm sorry :cc

>be me
>be at house with a keyboard
>be black ._.
>attempt to play Amazing Grace with the black keys only
>god-tier it until last part of the song
>can't find correct notes
>flip over keyboard
>borrowed it from my aunt

i dorped a bowl of ceral on the grond

i dorped a bowl of ceral on the grond

omfgwjiehfijhdwj i fel so bed 4 u!!1!!!shift+111!

>Playing Pump It Up
>Select Pumptris Quattro
>Notice Hard that is 07
>Decide to play it because it doesn't seem hard
>Oh god lots of notes (This is the chart)
>I start falling off the pad, losing lots of combo and can't keep up
>Fail the song
>forgetforgetforgetforgetforge t
lol pump it up