Author Topic: v22 really soon?  (Read 8113 times)

Last year for v21, some people thought it would be release on August 10th.
What happened? It was released on the 9th.

Badspot hasn't really released any updates recently, so who's to say he's not working on something big?
Is there any proof or little hints from Badspot or kompressor?

There where no vehicles in the SS trailer.
Vehicle improvements confirmed.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 02:34:04 AM by Fastlex »

as i said in rtb's GD, vehicles will be removed so brick physics could be improved!

>dso decompiler
>cracked bl versions possible inbound
>bspot is werkin on port ing 2 new engine pls

as i said in rtb's GD, vehicles will be removed so brick physics could be improved!
That would really suck :c
Hopefully collision with vehicles will be fixed so we quit flying upon hitting a wall.

as i said in rtb's GD, vehicles will be removed so brick physics could be improved!
I won't be playing blockland anymore if this happens.

Today, Shadows and Shaders are 1 year old exactly.

Today, Shadows and Shaders are 1 year old exactly.
Tomorrow here in the US.

>dso decompiler
>cracked bl versions possible inbound

I've only heard about the .dso decompiling a bit, but I don't know of anyone who has successfully done it and is looking to "crack" Blockland in the way you're thinking of. They're just expanding the capabilities of the engine to give new possibilities for add-ons and gamemodes. Don't just instantly match ".dso decompiling" and "malicious business" together, because you're incorrect in this situation.

as i said in rtb's GD, vehicles will be removed so brick physics could be improved!
No, just, no.

Damn, the time has passed so quickly. I can't believe it's already been a year!

Rotondo told me they were making a giant shoe vehicle. I'm not even kidding.

Rotondo told me they were making a giant shoe vehicle. I'm not even kidding.

Rotondo told me they were making a giant shoe vehicle. I'm not even kidding.
Clearly you don't understand sarcasm.