
What should happen to the price of HamHost?

Make it completely free. All features of the web control panel will br available for everybody.
Keep it free/premium, but give half of the features to free users.
Continue making more (web) control panel features for premium users, and occasionally make one for unpaid clients.
Keep adding more control panel features for premium users, but add none for free clients.
Make HamHost paid-only.

Author Topic: HamHost Dedicated Blockland servers | New poll: More free-user features?  (Read 102354 times)

Important message
There appears to be some CPU usage problems with 2 servers. After running for a few hours, the CPU usage of the Blockland servers goes straight up to 51%, which means it is maxing out one CPU core. It lags everybody playing, and doesn't stop until I restart the server. Unfortunately, all console.log's are overwritten, so I have to wait until the problem comes up again. About 2 days ago, it started happening on Xeidious's server, but now it has spread to Uxie's server. This error also happened with the Hammereditor+Pacnet2012 hosting service last year.
The CPU problem appears to have stopped happening.

I have released a new server and client version for the control panel program.

Server-sided improvements:
  • Spam protection
  • Encrypted password tables
  • Fixed a bug which spams the server program

Client-sided improvements:
  • Encrypted authentication
  • Colorset management
  • Auto-disconnect on authentication failure

I think that you should also consider adding a feature where you can add any RTB add-on manually to your game just by using the CPanel.

I think that you should also consider adding a feature where you can add any RTB add-on manually to your game just by using the CPanel.
1. It would take a very long time to add this feature.
2. You can just upload add-ons through FTP and add them to the list with the control panel.
3. HamHost does not have any association with Return to Blockland.

Also, make sure to download version 1.0 from http://www.hammereditor.net/files/.

3. HamHost does not have any association with Return to Blockland.
So? How is that stopping you from grabbing add-ons from there?

1. It would take a very long time to add this feature.
2. You can just upload add-ons through FTP and add them to the list with the control panel.
3. HamHost does not have any association with Return to Blockland.

Also, make sure to download version 1.0 from http://www.hammereditor.net/files/.

Aw and please PM me how to do it through FTP, and also I know that HamHost isn't associated with RTB but still, it'd be cool if we could manually put RTB add-on's into our servers using the HamHost CPanel.

Aw and please PM me how to do it through FTP, and also I know that HamHost isn't associated with RTB but still, it'd be cool if we could manually put RTB add-on's into our servers using the HamHost CPanel.
I sent you the PM.

You need to hire this lady...

Also, I am excited for another alternative hosting. I hope this can be cheaper!

I apologize for all the frustration you went through in trying to start up the client.
Just download this, and place it in your 'Desktop' folder:
And then go to Terminal or whatever program you used just now to display all of that green text.
Type this in:
Code: [Select]
cd Desktop
java -jar hhcpclient.jar
...and the control panel will launch. Since you already have Java installed, it won't be very hard to run it.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 10:17:06 AM by hammereditor² »

Yet another new version has been released. This includes a launcher, so you don't need to re-download and unzip the program every 2 days or so.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 11:59:48 AM by hammereditor² »

I was waiting for this to come! Also are you ever planning on expanding the server?

Yet another new version has been released. This includes a launcher, so you don't need to re-download and unzip the program every 2 days or so.
-links removed-

Finally you decided to use one of my programs to help you.

-links removed-
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 11:58:13 AM by {Pacnet2013} »

Will there be any more beta slots opening in the future? The last free hosting service I tried signing up to (twice) completely ignored me, and I hoped that I could give this a try.

Will there be any more beta slots opening in the future? The last free hosting service I tried signing up to (twice) completely ignored me, and I hoped that I could give this a try.
I'm planning to open 3 more beta slots tomorrow or something, since 1-2 of my users aren't really using their dedicated servers.