
What should happen to the price of HamHost?

Make it completely free. All features of the web control panel will br available for everybody.
Keep it free/premium, but give half of the features to free users.
Continue making more (web) control panel features for premium users, and occasionally make one for unpaid clients.
Keep adding more control panel features for premium users, but add none for free clients.
Make HamHost paid-only.

Author Topic: HamHost Dedicated Blockland servers | New poll: More free-user features?  (Read 102345 times)

I'm pretty sure that wasn't true, considering the old ny01-ny03 nodes were actually VPSs.

Just to set the record straight, we've only ever used dedicated servers.

I think Lub loses money with the RTB hosting service.
He just told me that the servers cost around $300 per month, but they have over 90 clients, means it results in at least $150 profit

Which is then used to pay extra costs like testing the new nodes and stuff

He just told me that the servers cost around $300 per month, but they have over 90 clients, means it results in at least $150 profit

Which is then used to pay extra costs like testing the new nodes and stuff
So does Lub host servers for other games? I'm also thinking about expanding.

So does Lub host servers for other games? I'm also thinking about expanding.
Where do you get the idea that he also hosts servers for other games?

CBMHost is going on it's 1 year anniversary.
It's not exactly star quality though from what I've seen.

I already have 2 clients that registered today.
Ok? I doubt they're going to be using it long term. People are already picking at your 'security' with this service.

You should at least tell us how to even start up the control panel.

Where do you get the idea that he also hosts servers for other games?
There's no way Lub could make $450 of income a month on hosting just Blockland.
There are about 27 servers on the master list which are hosted from RTB, and 25 of those are probably clients.
If those clients pay $6/month, then it would be $150 of income and Lub would lose $150/month, if he has to pay $300 for the servers.

You should at least tell us how to even start up the control panel.
Download the program, unzip it, and double-click the .exe file if it's Windows.
If it's Mac, just run the RunMe.sh file. If you're on Linux, double click the "32bit" or "64bit" file.

Ok? I doubt they're going to be using it long term. People are already picking at your 'security' with this service.
The security actually exists, and has been thoroughly tested. I dare you to try to find a way to get past it.

There's no way Lub could make $450 of income a month on hosting just Blockland.
There are about 27 servers on the master list which are hosted from RTB, and 25 of those are probably clients.
If those clients pay $6/month, then it would be $150 of income and Lub would lose $150/month, if he has to pay $300 for the servers.
They have a lot more servers than that, where the forget are you getting your information?

Honestly, I am just going to stick with RTB Hosting. I would rather pay 15 dollars per 3 months because it has a good system.

RTB hosting is way easier and faster to use. It has it's own program for uploading addons, controlling the server preferences, you can see the chat history, etc.

Also, I am a Mac user, and that doubles up why it's so hard for me to do stuff with my server.

Nice service, Hammereditor. Sorry.

There's no way Lub could make $450 of income a month on hosting just Blockland.
There are about 27 servers on the master list which are hosted from RTB, and 25 of those are probably clients.
If those clients pay $6/month, then it would be $150 of income and Lub would lose $150/month, if he has to pay $300 for the servers.
RTB hosts over one hundred servers, whether or not they are up at the time is irrelevant. One hundred times five dollars per month (assuming everyone orders the three month, cheap package [conservative estimate]) is five hundred dollars per month (on average). Their old NY01-03 servers at HL cost approximately one hundred a month per server, resulting in two hundred a month surplus. I'm not yet educated on the costs of their new NY04-05 prices, but from what I've gathered they're slightly more expensive but only two are required to do the job. No matter what way you look at it, RTB turns a profit.

This profit, however, does not go to the devs. It goes back into the community.

The security actually exists, and has been thoroughly tested. I dare you to try to find a way to get past it.
I don't think I have the time to do it. I'm sure someone will be able to make your service tits up. You don't have the professions Lub and Ephialtes does. This is going to go tits up like your past fail attempts. #Embarrassing

I don't think I have the time to do it. I'm sure someone will be able to make your service tits up. You don't have the professions Lub and Ephialtes does. This is going to go tits up like your past fail attempts. #Embarrassing
How can you say this when it hasn't failed yet?

How can you say this when it hasn't failed yet?
It's just how it ends up. It'll fail, no doubt.