
What should happen to the price of HamHost?

Make it completely free. All features of the web control panel will br available for everybody.
Keep it free/premium, but give half of the features to free users.
Continue making more (web) control panel features for premium users, and occasionally make one for unpaid clients.
Keep adding more control panel features for premium users, but add none for free clients.
Make HamHost paid-only.

Author Topic: HamHost Dedicated Blockland servers | New poll: More free-user features?  (Read 102413 times)

You would think people like Hammer and Pacnet would learn by now to stop attempting hosting services.

in germany? can the majority US users get some good ping from that?

You would think people like Hammer and Pacnet would learn by now to stop attempting hosting services.

I'm having a pretty hard time with this, that and i didn't get my return email, gg guys gg.

I'm having a pretty hard time with this, that and i didn't get my return email, gg guys gg.
I sent you a new e-mail instead of replying to the old one.

The messages sent to you from that address will probably end up in your "Spam" section, so make sure to always check your spam mail!
I really need to get a SPO certificate for the mail server. The messages are ending up in 'Spam' too often.

I really need to get a SPO certificate for the mail server
What's that do

You would think people like Hammer and Pacnet would learn by now to stop attempting hosting services.
This is my own hosting service; Pacnet is not involved.
What's that do
It lets other mail servers verify the authenticity of the sender, so the e-mail ends up in the inbox instead of spam.

in germany? can the majority US users get some good ping from that?
Yes, this is the main problem with HamHost. I will try to find ways to reduce the ping by a slight 10-20ms.
It is usually 175ms from my location at 2:00-4:00 PM EST. At 8:00-10:00, the ping drops to 135ms.

It lets other mail servers verify the authenticity of the sender, so the e-mail ends up in the inbox instead of spam.

No I don't think so. I've never heard of an SPO certificate (and after some quick Googling don't think it even exists!) but I think what you may be getting confused with is SPF validation. Unfortunately that also doesn't do what you think it does though.

No I don't think so. I've never heard of an SPO certificate (and after some quick Googling don't think it even exists!) but I think what you may be getting confused with is SPF validation. Unfortunately that also doesn't do what you think it does though.
Yeah, I think I was talking about SPF.

Yes, this is the main problem with HamHost. I will try to find ways to reduce the ping by a slight 10-20ms.
It is usually 175ms from my location at 2:00-4:00 PM EST. At 8:00-10:00, the ping drops to 135ms.
The only way to do this is by putting time and money into optimizing the routes, something a provider would never do for a 19 euro a month customer. You're outta luck there, time to find a server in the USA.

The only way to do this is by putting time and money into optimizing the routes, something a provider would never do for a 19 euro a month customer. You're outta luck there, time to find a server in the USA.
I'm really wondering how much you pay monthly for the rtb servers

I'm really wondering how much you pay monthly for the rtb servers
I think Lub loses money with the RTB hosting service.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 01:39:59 PM by Big Brøther »

I think Lub loses money with the RTB hosting service.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't true, considering the old ny01-ny03 nodes were actually VPSs.