

yes, i think that synthetically-grown meats are the future
59 (57.3%)
maybe, but i would still prefer naturally-grown meats
33 (32%)
no, i think its loving gross
11 (10.7%)

Total Members Voted: 103

Author Topic: would you eat synthetic meats  (Read 4179 times)

Nope no freaking way that kind of thing disgusts me

If they start making synthetically made steak I'm going to kill somebody.

vegans and stuff would be able to eat it too, right? because it didn't require the death of an animal?

It depends on the vegan. If a personal is vegan for moral reasons, they would have no problem with synthetic meat, but some are vegan because they just plain don't like eating meat.

If it tastes just like the real meat, yes.

i think i'd prefer natural meat but i'm sure that if the synthetic stuff tasted like actual meat then i wouldn't have a problem eating it

If they start making synthetically made steak I'm going to kill somebody.

If it has the same nutritional properties of normal meat (few hormones, same vitamins and whatever, etc) and tasted the same I guess so.

If it's just jank flavored plastic with stuff injected then no thanks real/almost-real meat is currently still available

on one hand all kinds of gains but on the other hand it probably tastes like despair and has gotta be expensive as stuff for what you're getting, a cold block of artificial laboratory meat which tastes like your mothers ass
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 11:34:59 AM by Big Brøther »

on one hand all kinds of gains but on the other hand it probably tastes like despair and has gotta be expensive as stuff for what you're getting, a cold block of artificial laboratory meat which tastes like your mothers ass
the two testers said it tasted exactly like meat, and it was warmed up.

the two testers said it tasted exactly like meat, and it was warmed up.
It was however, incredibly expensive.

It was however, incredibly expensive.
20 years ago computers were incredibly expensive too
now you can get one for 50 bucks

the whole point of this tenchnology is that meat and other grown food can be quickly mass-produced, instead of taking months to grow

of course its going to be expensive for the next 10 years, but the cost is going to steeply drop

the two testers said it tasted exactly like meat, and it was warmed up.
Did they remember to scrape the "Extra Fun" off of their optic nerves?
Sorry Big Brøther said it tasted like despair and I had to make that joke.

Wow, now we wont have to go hunting, probably.

Wow, now we wont have to go hunting, probably.
Now now, we don't want the animals to out-populate eachother, now do we?

the two testers said it tasted exactly like meat, and it was warmed up.
Tasted like meat?
What meat?
Because the amount of real in meat varies, unless you buy unpasteurized.
It's sad because unpasteurized is actually really healthy, but in order too buy it legal, you have too have ownership of the cow the stuff is coming from.
My family does that, and its actually really good.
100% beef burgers are hard too eat tho, extremely filling.
THAT'S how you know its REAL

the whole point of this tenchnology is that meat and other grown food can be quickly mass-produced, instead of taking months to grow
Making meat fast can solve things like world hunger. However, making McDonalds-quality meat doesn't do much more good than it does harm