Author Topic: You're A Genie! (Forum Game)  (Read 5512 times)

You get a flashlight from walmart for 99 cents.

I want a pet dragon. lol

You get a duck

I want sum pussie

you get a kitten

I wish to visit Adolf Riddler

You go to WWII and get killed

I wish for the next wish not to go wrong

You wish doesn't go wrong

I wish for freedom

You get freedom from protection and get captured by black assassins.

I wish for nothing

You get thin air.

I wish for something you cant see but i enjoy

You get mastrubration

I wish for the world to explode

Oh my god its hyaku

You are forced to still play blockland

I Wish for cake

you get pissed on by the demon that you cursed.
I wish Johnny would not be sad.

(PS bro I'm gonna be on tomorrow, but not Wednesday)

He gets angry at you for giving him the demon instead.

I wish for a tree.

A tree grows on your head!

I wish for a platypus.

You get a blue platypus from a cartoon show

I wish for an unusual.

You get the usual.

I wish I wish I was a fish.

You become a baby's pool toy coi fish
I wish School didn't start tomorrow