Author Topic: You're A Genie! (Forum Game)  (Read 5293 times)

You get a cereal box with rubber bands on it.

I wish for a panda bear.

You get a hungry grizzly bear.

I want free airsoft stuff.

You get a hungry grizzly bear.

I want free airsoft stuff.
You end up living in a trailer park in Oklahoma.

I wish to live in New York City.

You end up living in a trailer park in Oklahoma.   >=(

I want a free mansion.

You get a mansion that is haunted, has your best friend trapped inside, and has some batstuff insane forget that gives you a vacuum cleaner attached to a flashlight living in it.

I want a free plastic cup.

You get a plastic cup that inhales absolutely everything

I wish for you to die

The in-game player named "You" dies.
I wish for a hug.

You get a hug from a zombie
I wish for a new desktop computer.

You get a brand new desktop computer from the 1980s.
I wish for a puppy.

You get a hug from a zombie
I wish for a new desktop computer.
You get a Trash-80.
You get a brand new desktop computer from the 1980s.
I wish for a puppy.
Motherforgeter, I was typing just as you posted that.
You get a kitten.
I wish for school to not exist

School does not exist. Now under the name of "Scool"

I wish for a kitten.

School does not exist. Now under the name of "Scool"

I wish for a kitten.
You get a kitten
Sadly, when you holepunched the box so it could breathe, you missed.
You now have punches holes in your cat.

I wish for world peace

World peace has been attained right after a nuclear war.
I wish for $25

You get 25 thousand doll hairs jammed in your mouth

I want free crosman .25 bbs cuz im down to only 300 left =(

You start saying "GIT R DOOOOOOONE" every 5 seconds.

I wish to have a strobe light.