Author Topic: Back to School, Back to Reality. Our futures and Blockland's  (Read 2173 times)

the memories and the thoughts on what this game could do is just endless.

i'm definitely staying, though contribution-wise probably not as much. its not like I have a choice of leaving anyways :(

its not like I have a choice of leaving anyways :(
Yes Yes

Last post.
For any who care my final build was a 32x64 church on The Brighter Dark's House build server.

It is my smallest church yet, but I put as much as I could into it.
Brighter is AFK and has been all afternoon, plus the server has a password ATM.
He said he'd unlock it later tonight, but I won't be there.
Anyhoo, I'm signing off.
Goodbye guys

i remember when me, id 4121, constantly was kicked for "being a high id noob" back in '08.

I actually see a bright future for the game since we are so close to getting onto Steam. Many Blocklanders think that many people know about us on sites like ROBLOX and Minecraft; the vast majority have never even heard of Blockland.  Without terrains and interiors, there is less to be made which is the sad part. Blockland would be worth a lot more with an advanced feature which adds to game-play which are similar to terrains and/or interiors.

Its cool that my school still hasn't blocked the forums yet
But what I think is the IDs will be more than 60,000 including the ones that haven't been sold yet on amazon

Last post.
celebration time
Did you know that you can still play AND post after you finish important things?

I also think that without a doubt, we will get past BL_ID 60k in say, a few months depending on if we get onto Steam soon.

Blockland is like a drug. You'll come back for more. Just look at Glass and some other people.

the attention whoring is this thread is too stronk
i cannot handle it

Freshman Friday.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 08:26:42 PM by *[-Karli-]* »