Author Topic: Bim - "Im shutting down anyways"  (Read 3524 times)

So I was playing on Bim's fort wars server. It started quite well, built myself a nice little camp-like base with a minefield around it. All goes well, until Bim gets killed by one of the mines and starts whining about how they should be more obvious. I ask "Why should landmines be obvious?" and I get kicked from the server. (the mines can be seen if you get close enough, or look from the right angle) So I rejoin and make the mines a bit more visible. A while goes again, until he suddenly starts repeatedly base/spawn camping me with an endless supply of frag grenades. I tell him to stop and he replies with a "nah". I almost disconnected at this point, but I decided to stay to see what kind of a chaos he might cause...about 30 seconds later...

He starts spamming artillery shells using VCE. I ask for a reason and he says "Just loving around...Im shutting down anyways...", but wait! There is more!

After trying to reason with him for a while...Telling him about "he really is improving the reputation of his server" and him replying by spamming my camp with shells, he takes out the D-wand and goes around the map...destroying pretty much 1/3 of the terrain, half the bases and more...Leaving nothing, but a few hills and water. In the end I get permabanned for reason: Stealing the map

Apologies for the lack of pictures from everything else, than the artillery spamming. I was too busy arguing and reasoning with Bim, that I didn't realize to take pics.


He also said a moment after he started spamming with artillery shells, that "he gave a fair warning". I look up in the chat and all I see is a message saying "ITS HAPPENING!!!!"

Wow. Just wow.

I thought Bim was a nice person.

Anyways, this is completely unacceptable, even if it's your own server.



He also said a moment after he started spamming with artillery shells, that "he gave a fair warning". I look up in the chat and all I see is a message saying "ITS HAPPENING!!!!"

Really mature of him.

moral of the story: bim is a cunt
For those who want to ban him from their servers. His ID is ^^^ those four numbers.


He also said a moment after he started spamming with artillery shells, that "he gave a fair warning". I look up in the chat and all I see is a message saying "ITS HAPPENING!!!!"

maybe i should start hosting mine again :cookieMonster:
For those who want to ban him from their servers. His ID is ^^^ those four numbers.
Why would you ban him?
He's a horrible host (I assume) who's server should be avoided but you shouldn't ban him for that.
It's just a sign not to make him an administrator.

/support, that's really imature

Wow. I am not surprised since bim already is an starfish to his players.


He was gonna shut down anyway...

And it's his server, I've seen way worse.

/support, that's really imature
niff, plz

bim's an egotistical cunt. I don't see why people even go to his server after the stuff he's done.

I do this every time I shut down the server for the night, I don't see the big problem.

5-8 minutes before I started spamming, I said save your bases, the server is shutting down. People moaned and complained like normal. I warned again before I started. Then Jkarrt, who I assume is Jare, said he was going to save the map and host with it (after I broke half the map, lol). Jkaart was giving me problems already, just endlessly criticizing my way of hosting, so I permad him.
Anyway, I've unbanned you anyway.

funny how people get banned by a host for stupid reasons, make a drama, and people reply with "well its his server he can do that"

but in this sense its TOTALLY not cool?