Author Topic: Sopa is back  (Read 9705 times)

Yayy I missed soap

SOPA is Swedish for garbage.
PIPA is Greek for lewinsky.

SOPA is Swedish for garbage.
PIPA is Greek for lewinsky.

I vote for PIPA

isn't this the same guy who was talking about some guy's car crashing and exploding then blaming it on the government while playing Dead Space 3?
I know this is the guy that talked about how evil windows 8 was for being a closed system and praising gabe newell why playing sniper elite.

alright guys it's okay just move on

He didn't, and trust me he won't be crazy enough to sign it. He will veto it, if anything. Take my word for it.

Love how people still pretend like Obama is a good president.

I totally forgot what SOPA will do to the average internet user that doesn't pirate things.

Enlighten me so I can care about SOPA again.

I totally forgot what SOPA will do to the average internet user that doesn't pirate things.

Enlighten me so I can care about SOPA again.
If I recall correctly its suppose to stop any sort of copy right/unauthorized streaming.

I totally forgot what SOPA will do to the average internet user that doesn't pirate things.
Enlighten me so I can care about SOPA again.
  • causes our favourite websites to do dumb "blackout" bullstuff, intentionally rendering themselves unuseable
  • handicapped paranoia that the man is coming for you
  • nothing

I totally forgot what SOPA will do to the average internet user that doesn't pirate things.

Enlighten me so I can care about SOPA again.
Every thing and anything is fair game companies to shut down for copy right issues. For example this video:

So this video would be removed. Another example is posting a copyrighted image on here and the owners could shut down the forums.

inb4ignorantdiehardgovernment supporters

things have always been that way

If this gets passed...
Good-bye Music Board

forget it, I'm moving to Canada.
enjoy your stuffty healthcare and expensive housing costs